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Everything posted by devo1ution

  1. thank you for your reply Giorgio stereo fader only works on stereo output, not usb output. my current fix is to route through a separate usb input (scarlett 2i2) to record the stereo output from the MG-XU controller. works now, but the fact that there seems to be no way to control the Yamaha MG-XU conroller's usb stereo output is a pretty big womp womp on Yamaha.
  2. Trying to record a basic guitar track in Cakewalk. i'm getting a good reading from the audio meter on my yamaha mg-xu console (where green meets yellow. stereo output sounds great), but the usb output to my computer has Cakewalk giving a max reading of -43db. even when i crank the gain, and the levels on the console are peaking at max red, Cakewalk is still only reading -27db. does anyone have a solution for this?
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