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satvik singh

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  1. satvik singh

    sound not coming

    hey everyone this is my first ever D.A.W while i was exploring i get to know that any instrument that i am playing i cannot hear it the voice recorded too i cant hear, i am very frustated cuz am trying this from 2 weeks ?? but nothing happened, because of this am feeling like loosing cuz i am a very small hearted guy. if anyone want to help me and give their precious time for me, it will be really very admirable.
  2. hey everyone this is my first ever D.A.W while i was exploring i get to know that any instrument that i am playing i cannot hear it the voice recorded too i cant hear, i am very frustated cuz am trying this from 2 weeks ?? but nothing happened, because of this am feeling like loosing cuz i am a very small hearted guy. if anyone want to help me and give their precious time for me, it will be really very admirable.
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