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Howard B

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Everything posted by Howard B

  1. I loaded Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 and it worked but I made the mistake of loading the Direct Show 5 and that messed up my system some. Luckily I was able to backup to the previous day and all was back to normal. So CW PA9 works and all but it would only recognize 4 of the inputs on the US-1800. That's pretty much a deal breaker so I just went ahead and loaded up Sonar X3 PE and it's working great so far. I'm actually right in the middle of seeing what this old W7 machine can do. I'm going to try and record 12 tracks at 24 bit 48kHz for 10 minutes and if I don't get any pops or dropouts I'll give 96kHz a try. I'll be happy with 48 but I gotta try 96 just to see
  2. AThanks Giorgio When monitoring the Steinberg by having the mix knob all the way left it monitors input 1 & 2 as individual mono inputs so they're both centered since there's no panning on the UR22 mkII I found another post on the Steinberg forum page regarding the same issue and they also suggested monitoring through the daw to hear 1 & 2 as live stereo but to expect a bit of latency. I just bought an A&H zed-24 console to run all my synths, samplers and drum modules through so I think I'm going to try monitoring the Steinberg back through the board instead of directly from the interface. For years I just used a two channel interface to monitor my audio source and playback from my DAW but now that I have the board I guess it makes more sense to monitor my audio and playback from the interface all on the board.
  3. 5 years later but I'm hoping the OP or someone else might be able to help. I had very similar issue with the Steinberg. Same interface as the OP (Steinberg UR22 mkII). The problem I'm having is I actually can't monitor my gear in stereo. I can only hear mono while recording. The tracks play back in stereo as I'm recording to two tracks panned left and right but I can't hear the stereo until after I've recorded the track. In Cakewalks preferences the only choice under devices is "Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO UR22mkII Input 1" for input and "Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO UR22mk II Output 1/L" for output. I would have expected an Output 1/R but there is not. My older interfaces always had both. I'd really like to be able to monitor my synths in stereo. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Many Years Later... So I have set up an older Zotac computer with 4 GB of RAM & Windows 7 just for recording straight up tracks off the floor in a room away from my studio. I don't need any plugin effects. Just the ability to record twelve to sixteen 24 bit 48 kHz tracks so I can then transport the tracks back to my studio computer and continue working on the songs from there. My thought is that an older version of CW or bandlab might be a lighter program for this older 4 GB machine. So my question is, which of the past versions would be best suited for the job? Back in the 90s (I know...old dude lol) I was recording on a Pentium 1 with 128 MB ? of RAM using Cakewalk 9 (Windows 98 Second Edition). I mean I would just use CW9 to capture the tracks but I don't believe it will work on Win 7 (though I'm tempted to try it). If I was able to capture tracks on an old machine with such limited RAM and a light duty DAW then it should run like a top on a 4 GB newer system. As I said though it'll probably need to be a newer version. I'm just spit balling here so any input would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance
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