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Michael Blum

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  1. New problem. Just started a new project. Connect midi before starting Cakewalk. Open Cakewalk. Pull over VST instrument I want to use (from Cakewalk) and nothing. Not registering anything in Cakewalk plus no sound. Please help. Michael
  2. I guess 2. The tempo of the loop and the tempo marking on Cakewalk GUI.
  3. Still having trouble aligning pasted clips. I's looking for pastes to line up in tempo with the original copied clip. I added an audio track. I want to copy it 3 more times. So I go to select tool and select that clip, I then copy it. I want to paste this right after the original clip. I've tried adjusting the snap grid. Still not precise. Tell me what I am doing wrong. Attached is the audio and a copy of the GUI. Can't download all the audio due to file size. But here is where 1 clip ends and the other starts. Hope I am clear. Paste Test.wav
  4. Blum is a common name. Was the paste socket paste by any chance?
  5. Thank you so much for your help. Just to clarify, you copy all midi and audio loops to audio library folder. Then use Cakewalk to access that folder?
  6. 1) When I copy and paste, the paste does not line up with current measures. If you listen to this small audio clip at about 13-14 seconds you can hear the misalignment. When I used Sonar, or cakewalk in the paste, the paste always started at the beginning of the measure. Can't seem to do this. The measures before secopnd 13-14 where aligned by hand. Is there a way to have the pastes align to the beginning of a measure without physically moving clips around. 2) Where do I save my audio loops and other midi files I want to use. Is ther a set directory that makes it easy for Cakewalk to find.?
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