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Rick Daugherty

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  1. I'm getting ALL KINDS of crashes lately. And Cakewalk keeps telling me to do a 'clean uninstall' down to the registry/manually. Not helping. I got a "HEAP CORRUPTION" crash today. I'll save my work religiously for an hour, only to find out, NONE of my last 'saves' were actually saving at all, and ALLLLL of that last hour's worth of work was NOT saved...gone! NEVER had so many problems with Cakewalk/Sonar ever...been using it for 30 years. Lots of 'freezes/white screens' etc. Very frustrating. And almost every time I open up Sonar, it tells me "Upgrade Available!" but I have the latest version. Sucks.
  2. Does anyone else use SSL interfaces with Cakewalk? SSL site says 'cakewalk is not supported'. Are you having issues with your interface? If you open SSL's 360 controlling system it does not list Cakewalk in their drop down box of choices, so how would you even go about that issue? Confused, because I've been using my SSL 12 for over a year with no issues. (however, I have to use drivers OTHER THAN ASIO because cakewalk keeps 'recommending to me' (in edit/preferences) NOT to use ASIO drivers. Confusing.
  3. Cakewalk says "ASIO' drivers are recommended. Yet when i try to select ASIO drivers as my option in cakewalk, I get messages that basically tell me to use a different driver. What gives?
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