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  1. Not 'cover songs' sorry, I'm looking for songs that suit my style as 'vocal training / improvement' songs for lessons / rehearsals. I have all my own songs, I need ones such as the ones I suggested to train with as just singing my own ones over and over again doesn't do enough to improve my voice.
  2. I have like 3 albums worth of leading original songs, my voice is holding me back - just singing my own songs alone doesn't work. I have some basic vocal exercises from youtube and songs which train the tones I want to use.
  3. Theres another great suggestion for me to add to my vocal practice list - particularly 'Doesn't really matter' which has rapid fire gentle lyrics in the chorus, and my favourite song of hers. Ideally I'd wish I could sing like this guy, but I can't, I have no depth to my voice - puberty made my voice break upwards instead of down lol - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meTwPu1Quuw Oh right I just remembered ... what someone once told me ... I have 'Tiny Tims' voice :x. The Living In The Sunlight guy. And I hate it lol.
  4. Wow, and I actually just tried singing with my head pointing up and such ... no vocal errors ... why did I never notice that before god. Gonna need a new mic stand or such to record like that standing up though. And more wow, like, I'm sounding like a male Corinne Bailey Rae now, exactly as I needed to sound for my songs. Will do a month of intense practice then return to recording. I spent the last two weeks dwelling on 'I cant get any further without a vocal coach or mentorship'. @OutrageProductions thank you so much for the advice. @Terry Carroll I've always tried singing 'Yesterday' on and off, just tried it again after a long vocal session and its now added to my warm up tracks. I'm currently using: Trouble Sleeping - Corinne Bailey Ray Strange Relationship - Darren Hayes Unchained Melody - Gareth Gates Version And Beatles Yesterday. What other songs in similar styles should I try adding to my practice sessions? Slower the vocals the better - while the vocal lines in my songs are rapid pace, they are intended to be sang as slow as possible at the last rhythmically perfect placement.
  5. Its not really anything new tbh - my music is in a similar vein to Norah Jones and Alicia Keys, albeit placed over staggered 4/4 'ragtime / striding bass' inspired backing. An apt 'AI speech' description could be 'Gentle, Passionate, Romantic Soulful Jazz'. My home studio setup has simply been sat in disarray for a while between getting burned out and temporarily quitting again between PC upgrades, I'm trying to set it up again and will work on a few more tracks this year, and try to improve the vocals of the current ones.
  6. Yea thanks forgot to mention the vocals still need work, and on the last track I shouldn't have tried to sing any parts louder, I can't really manage that well. I don't suppose anyone here would know what vocal exercises might help for this?
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