I wouldn't even begin to be able to quantify the new, free features we have added since Scaler 2, so whilst I'm always on the hunt for criticism that helps us improve and see things from a different perspective I wouldn't agree with you there. As for the extra content, our users demand it, and I am sick of seeing chord packs here and there which many people spend hard earned money on and get nothing out of. I am hopeful our users don't and that's because of the stuff we put in there.
Not sure what that it is but it doesn't sound good!
I can see your point that's fair enough. As the Creative Director at Scaler it's my role to decide what goes in and what doesn't. That's kind of how we develop it rather than an overall strategy, it's done on feel and need. I only make decisions on Scaler when I am using it as a writing tool on a project which I am emotionally invested in. Moving forward your correct in that I am wanting a more complete song writing tool that does more, but that doesn't abandon it's raison d'être which is to identify scales and keys and offer me an insight into those moods and help me build a track from there. The audio detection in 2.9 is much, much better that what it previously was. Maybe that may allay your concerns of abandonment towards chord and scale analysis. Besides, maybe I am not as naturally gifted a musician as you but for me it does the job - that will only get better. Thanks for making us think anyways. ?