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  1. Hi, Just wanted to add to this post - I contacted support about the same issue, and they reset my password within hours. Excellent service, just wanted to give them a shout out 🙂
  2. For anyone late to this discussion (as I am), Audacity works very well. I have three versions of the same song, loaded into Cakewalk from cassette using a four-track recorder (which is an interesting exercise in itself...). The versions have exactly the same rhythm and bass tracks, but the other tracks are different, and I was interested in combining them all into one master. Due to the use of different Portastudios/cassette decks, they run at slightly different speeds. Using Audacity, I was able to simulate the pitch adjustment on a Portastudio using "Change Speed and Pitch". To work out the adjustment, I loaded the rhythm track from one version (which was created using a DrumTraks, - a real one ?) to the left track, and the same rhythm track from another version to the right track. The right track was running very slightly slower. By experimentation, a "Speed Multiplier" setting of 1.005 brought the two rhythms into sync, and the sound quality was not bad at all.
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