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  1. I too do not believe that the decision to implement this feature will be made in a couple of months. But the fact is that many major DAWs are starting to adopt this format, and things are changing from the beginning of 2022; REAPER and FL Studio's adoption is a big change. Also, StudioOne, released today, supports CLAP, and I hear that MAGIX is also in beta testing. I can see Steinberg not adopting, but I'll be keeping my eye on Ableton and Cakewalk to see how they move forward!
  2. Thanks! I read all comments before posting topic I felt that these posts were used to discuss the new format of the plugin, so I made this new topic as "feature request".
  3. I'm a developer who is considering porting my VST2 plugins to CLAP, not to VST3 for many reasons. I've used SONAR, X and Platinum. To be honest I'm already satisfied with the functionality of CbB. CLAP support will be the best reason to go to new Sonar from CbB for me.
  4. Title says all. It shows black GUI. Sound is OK. It works correctly in Cakewalk by BandLab, so it shouldn't be my installation issue. BTW, I can also report that V-Vocal, Cyclone, TTS-1, GrooveSynth are working as expected in the Sonar. Long live DX
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