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  1. Sounds very good I particularly liked the vocal 👍
  2. Not sure if this will help anyone else but I didn't get the pop up until I signed up for the newsletter. I thought I was already subscribed but didn't find any email from them so went ahead and signed up. It took an hour or 2 but the pop up then showed up.
  3. Awesome! Thanks IK and Carlos Iglesias for the heads up!
  4. Happy birthday Larry hope you had a great day!
  5. Was hoping to get brass and just got it! Awesome ?
  6. Nice I got the email but might not have opened it! :)
  7. "Actually it cost you $3 ? " Can't argue with that it is technically true! Some gift plugins I would pass on, but for a Melda plugin I don't already own it is well worth it! Lancaster sounds great to me and am happy to have it. ?
  8. Good price didn't think I'd see it that low! I bought it at Plugin Boutique to also get Melda MDynamicEQ for free :)
  9. Me too I use their amp sims a lot and was excited to see this! I am demoing it and will definately pick it up just waiting to see if the resellers knock a couple of extra bucks off the price. I agree!
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