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Everything posted by wvo0ozy

  1. I so LOVE Cubase 13 Pro, but felt burned after buying the full version of Groove Agent 5. It's so small on a 24" 1080p monitor. Felt like I needed glasses to use. So I never did. Is Halion 7 the same? Dom's video looks like he zooms-in the video, rather than zooms the interface. Can the Halion fonts be resized without affecting Cubase?
  2. Wow, I can't believe I never demo'd this - thanks for the heads up, I bought! I have my goto bass setup as Kush Reddi parallel with the PA SVT (internal cab bypassed) and a Bergantino NXT212 Celestion IR. And it's great. But wow, I tried to sub the Eden (no cab) for just the SVT, and it was very cool. And then, even better after I actually used the Softube cabs & mics. I tweaked for short while and then just played for a long time. Recommended!
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