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Everything posted by Matthias_L

  1. Thank you very much for your help. That was exactly what I was looking for. On my Akai keyboard it was -1 octave.
  2. I have a basic question about Cakewalk. I have a problem with my MIDI master keyboard that has been bothering me for a while. When I play 1 line c' (C4) on the MIDI master keyboard, it is a small octave c (C3) in Cakewalk's score view. Is there a way to transpose this basically in Cakewalk? Please forgive me if this has already been asked here. I have searched but not found it.
  3. Also very nice is the free Bass from Amplesound: https://www.amplesound.net/en/pro-pd.asp?id=19
  4. I think I have installed it correctly. I can select the strummer as an instrument in Cakewalk and it's there. I can call it up and edit all the settings. But what doesn't work is the connection to a guitar addon (no matter which one I use). I've tried just about every possible setting. Without success. Many thanks for the precious advice. I have given up using Mildon Strummer in the meantime. I am very interested in the Virtual Guitarist series. The reports I've read about it and the videos on the subject meet, or rather exceed, what I'm actually looking for. What's more, the entire series is currently on special offer.
  5. Many thanks for the tip. I've tried a lot of things now, but couldn't get it to work. That's a shame as it's free. But I've now turned my attention to the products from UJAM. Especially the Virtual Guitarist series seems to do what I'm looking for.
  6. Thanks for the tip. Enable MIDI Output is on. Still no connection. The strummer does nothing.
  7. Today I installed the Milton Strummer. Unfortunately it does not work. I have two instrument tracks. The first track is my guitar (Ample Guitar M) and the second track is the Milton Strummer. I have now tried various connections (e.g. Milton Strummer MIDI channel 1 at the inputs of the guitar, Ample Guitar M at the inputs of the Streummer, etc.). But I still can't get the Strummer to work. Can anyone tell me how I can connect the two VST devices? I hope this is not too stupid a question. Unfortunately my experience with Cakewalk is not too great yet.
  8. Two things are going through my mind. Have you set the correct inputs and outputs? On your screenshot they are different for track 2 and 3. The second thing you can check is whether there are any strange controller entries in the event list.
  9. Many thanks for the tip. The products from U-HE are really good. I've been using Poodolski and TyrellN6 for a while now. I'll have a look at Zebra. I have seen that there is also a "light" version of Zebra available free of charge. Yesterday I also found Modul Air from Full Bucket. This modular polyphonic synthesizer is able to have the LFO controlled by an ENV. But I don't like its sound yet. However, it is also a very complex synthesizer that requires a lot of training. I don't like reading manuals but I should do it here.
  10. Hi, I am looking for a VST synthesizer with which I can control LFO (intensity and/or frequency) with an envelope generator (ENV). Modular synthesizers have the possibility with appropriate cabling. I have already found that, but just monophonic models. Does anyone know a polyphonic synthesizer that can do this? Preferably free of charge. If necessary, I can also pay.
  11. Thank you very much for your detailed answer. That definitely helps me. It's good that the issue of aftertouch has been clarified. Now I can think about whether I need polyphonic aftertouch or whether channel aftertouch is enough for me. The price difference between the MK2 and MK2 is big. I didn't know Gig Performer. What I've seen and read so far sounds very interesting. I will look into it further. I'm totally amazed at what's possible today and I'm looking forward to discovering everything.
  12. Many thanks for the helpful answers. At the moment I'm leaning towards the Komplete Kontrol S61. Aftertouch is important for me. Mainly because a number of my 80s synthesizers already support it and I would like to address it with MIDI. However, I assumed that the MK2 already does this. At least that's what it says on Thoman's product page: (Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2). But if you write that this is not correct, I'm leaning towards the MK3. But what I would still be interested in is whether it is possible to change the individual VST instruments (of a track) in Cakewalk with the T6 or the S61 MK3. E.g. from a LABS instrument to VITAL (just an example)? The background to my question is that I have three racks, each with 3 instruments, and behind me is the 19" rack with the mixing console on top. There is very little space for the computer, which is why it is a bit far away. That's why I want to be able to control as much as possible remotely with the keyboard. If that's not possible, I'll have to rebuild.
  13. After not making music for almost 30 years, I started this great hobby again last year as a pensioner (former semi-professional). All my old synthesizers are still there and, apart from the OB-8 and the Prophet 2000, still fully functional today. In the 80s I was using Cubase 2.0 on an Atari (which unfortunately hasn't survived). Now I installed Cakewalk. I'm absolutely thrilled with the tool and its possibilities. Now I have a question regarding a new purchase: I'm looking for a keyboard that gives me extensive control over Cakewalk and can also be used as a MIDI Masterkeyboard. Two devices caught my eye during my search. Nektar Panorama T6 and NI Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2. My wish would be to use the device to control the VST instruments from Cakewalk (also to change them directly on the keyboard) and to control the recording. Both can do the latter. But what about controlling the VST instruments? I hope someone here can give me some advice or a recommendation.
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