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Matt Jenkins

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About Matt Jenkins

  • Birthday 06/17/1995

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  1. Super cool vibe, it gives me a new wave kind of feel, but it sounds modern.
  2. Thanks for getting back, yeah it's weird, when I updated this weekend to the newest version, it was saying unable to activate, prompting me to log into Bandlab Assistant. Maybe if I downloaded the update right from the CPM, it would've worked fine, but I updated it through CbB in the program itself, and when it updated it locked me out saying I needed to activate. I also was a couple months behind on updates, maybe that was also the issue. Even when I downloaded CPM and was logged in with my Bandlab account, it still didn't recognize that I was logged in (inside CbB) so I ended up just doing the offline method. I'm thinking maybe if I reinstalled CbB as a whole through the CPM as a fresh install, I wouldn't have any issue. Anyway, cheers, I'm a 15 year user of Cakewalk / Sonar, glad to find the community is still alive and strong
  3. Hey all, I solved my issue. After some deep searching, I realized that I guess Bandlab is no longer associated with Cakewalk, now that the new SONAR is on the way. I didn't realize, sorry for my ignorance here. Bandlab still promotes solutions to logging into Cakewalk by Bandlab on their own website , so I was kinda mislead. If anyone has this issue, you need to download the new Cakewalk Product Center, and do an offline activation, and that should allow you to get back to creating with the new update. The offline activation is in the help tab within CbB, you export a code, and then put it into Cakewalk Product Center, and then it'll give you a code to input back into the CbB application. Hope this helps anyone that runs into the same issue as I, I thought I was a goner for a second haha.
  4. Hey everyone, first time posting here, I just updated Cakewalk by Bandlab to the latest version, and the latest version of Bandlab assistant, and I can't activate Cakewalk. In a nutshell, the new version of bandlab assistant (v10.2.4) isn't showing the Apps page, at least on my end, so I can't log into cakewalk to activate it. This is the first time i'm experiencing an issue, and my operating system is windows 10. I guess this is more of a bandlab assistant issue than a cakewalk issue, but just wondering if anyone else if having this problem. Thanks, Matt
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