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Promidi's post in Midi Event Triggered - But Not Written on Clip / Track was marked as the answer
On the Gong SIT, make sure the plugins MIDI out is deselected.
On the Bodhran SIT, make sure its input is set to a specific MIDI controller and specific MIDI channel.
Promidi's post in Cakewalk download problem. was marked as the answer
Maybe you need to perform the steps outlined here:
Promidi's post in Unidentified Clip Icon [Solved] was marked as the answer
Audiosnap is enabled for that clip.
Promidi's post in Is it possible to assign different instruments to different parts of an edirol pcr800 was marked as the answer
By default, the PCR800 itself transmits MIDI Channel 1.
Using the PCR800 editor, program the pads A1-A9 and B1-B to transmit on MIDI Channel 2
Then on the MIDI track of your drum vsti, set it to receive on MIDI Channel 2
On the PCR800, make sure Omni is off - otherwise the pads will transmit on the same channel the keys are set to (by default MIDI Channel 1) regardless of their respective MIDI Channel.
See page 33 of the PCR user guide for the Omni setting.
Note: Before answering this, I tested it it here with Truepianos on track 1 (MIDI Channel 1) and Addictive drums 2 on track 2 (MIDI Channel 2) and it worked. They keys played Truepianos while the programmed pads played Addictive drums 2 independently.
Promidi's post in Pressing keys isn't showing in Notes Pane was marked as the answer
Is your MIDI controller configured as a Control Surface by any chance?
Promidi's post in Replacing System Drive [Solved] was marked as the answer
1. I think so. Mine was a different situation to I can not say from experience. I just checked a recent image file and all partitions show up in there.
2. I just used an image file to an external TB USB drive and restored from that..
3. Yes, that was my experience. I just had to reactivate this and that.
4. I used O&O DiskImage Pro and EaseUS Partition Master. There are others.
As I converted from Legacy to UEFI BIOS there were more things I had to do - like convert the system drive from MBT to GTP, create the UEFI partition. It looks like you won't have to worry about that as the image should already contain these.
What ever you choose, make sure it can create a bootable CD to run from
Promidi's post in What does it mean to discard bounced audio? was marked as the answer
"discard bounced audio" means discard bounced audio - that is the bounced audio is deleted from the audio folder (although this happens on exit of Cakewalk). Freezing a track has no effect on the original audio file - that stays intact. If in doubt, open the audio folder while freezing and unfreezing a track.
Promidi's post in Green Selection Bar Interferes With Edits was marked as the answer
This green bar appears alongside the selection bar whenever something is selected. It's actually the selection itself that defines part of the track that you want to transpose (or perform any editing function).
The way to make them invisible is by using the Cakewalk theme editor to set opacity of the Selection Marker to 0%. This is under the item Theme > Time Ruler > Markers. The item name is “Selection Markers”. Note, even though this makes them invisible, they still function as if they are visible.
To select all notes in a given track, click the track number in the track pane. (might want to deselect all first)
Promidi's post in Addictive Drums 2 causing Cakewalk to crash from exception was marked as the answer
What audio interface are you using? Does it come with native ASIO drivers. If so, then use that and completely uninstall ASIO4ALL.
If you’re using onboard sound, still ditch ASIO4ALL and use WASAPI Shared driver mode.
Promidi's post in Octave repeating effect for a MIDI track? was marked as the answer
Articulation maps can do this.
Promidi's post in Navigation Now Time 1 frame forward at a time? was marked as the answer
What I would is write two CAL scripts that move the Now Time 1 at a frame (1 CAL script for forward , another for backward) Then assign a keybinding to those CAL scripts.
Promidi's post in Notes input by MIDI controller played by whatever instrument I have selected was marked as the answer
Is each instrument set to a specific MIDI channel, rather than onmi?
Promidi's post in How to batch set a channel for selected notes? was marked as the answer
Select all the notes you want to change. Head over to the Event Inspector Module. Change the MIDI channel there.
Promidi's post in How to explicitly edit shapes in the event view? was marked as the answer
You do not edit them in the event view.
However, to edit specific automation nodes, you can head to the automation lane. Then you can right click on the specific node and select properties. Then you can enter the values numerically.
Promidi's post in Select Filter - Every Quarter Beat or Upbeat (Midi) was marked as the answer
Sounds like something a CAL script would be good at.
(int note_number 1)
(int even 0)
(int nth 2)
(getInt nth "Please enter nth note" 2 50)
(if (== Event.Kind NOTE)
(= even (% note_number nth))
(if (== even 1)
);exit do
(insert Event.Time Event.Chan NOTE Note.Key Note.Vel Note.Dur)
);exit if
(++ note_number)
);exit do
);exit if
);exit for
);exit do
Promidi's post in How to copy paste midi data to another track budifferent channel number to it was marked as the answer
What I do is set the Channel of the MIDI track in the inspector and in Preferences | File | Initialization File add the entry RechannelMIDI to 1
This has the effect of forcing al MIDI data on that track to send on that forced channel regardless of what channel the individual events in that MIDI track are set to.
It also must be noted that when you bounce MIDI clips in a given track, it changes the channels of the bounced MIDI events to match forced channel of the track itself.
Controller events will also change, which is important when selecting which channel to view in the controller lane.
Promidi's post in Partitioned RAM was marked as the answer
I have never seen Cakewalk doing this or even showing this message. Can you please post a clear screenshot where the message “Hardware Reserved” is displayed?
“Hardware Reserved” sounds more like it's a function of your actual PC rather than Cakewalk itself.
I also have 16 gig ram and on first load, Cakewalk only uses a couple of hundred K (As shown in Task Manager). Of course, memory usage increases , the more plugins and I load into a project.
Are you sure this isn't you onboard graphics using a chuck of your RAM for it's graphic? This would be set in the PC's BIOS.
You might also want to post a bit about your system and invronment in addition to the 16 gig.
What version of Cakewalk? What version of Windows. Is your WIndows fully patched? Are you on a laptop or Desktop.
Promidi's post in [Solved] - Midi ends and transport jumps to Now Marker was marked as the answer
It's normal behaviour - even for MIDI only projects
Promidi's post in Tuplets other than Triplets? was marked as the answer
I would use the Piano Roll View for this.
With Snap on, and snap value set to an easy value (like 1/4), create the seven notes in the row, each with the same duration.
Then select all seven notes. Then, while holding down CTRL, change the duration of the entire selection to match where you want the entire septuplet to end.
The individual durations of each note will change also, yet all will have the same duration.
Note: You did not say what version of Cakewalk so I have assumed the latest Cakewalk by Bandlab.
Promidi's post in Korg Volca Sample was marked as the answer
If your audio interface has stereo line in, then you should be able to plug the headphone out of the volca sample in to the line in of your USB Audio interface using a suitable cable.
Makes sure if you do this, you're not using an input that is expecting microphone levels as the output of the volca sample headphone out might be quite high compared to that of a microphone . Start with the levels at the lowest possible levels and turn them up gradually until the levels are not in the red (or just occasionally bumping the red).
Note: the M-Audio Uno is only a MIDI interface. It is not an Audio interface. This means the M-Audio Uno would not be suitable for this. You would need an actual audio interface or a sound card that has line in sockets.
Promidi's post in Side chaining, what's your favourite methods for pumping? was marked as the answer
Compressor with a side chain input - PC4K-S is an example of a Cakewalk by Bandlab supplied pro channel compressor that supports side chaining.
Promidi's post in Does Calewalk by Bandlab work with Windows 10 was marked as the answer
The only reason you would need your old Cakewalk is if you need any plugins that came with it. That being said, if the required plugins that came with your old Cakewalk are only 32 bit, then you might want to give them a miss and find 64bit alternatives. Using 32bit VST plugins, while technically possible, can result in a less than stable installation.
Cakewalk by Bandlab does not require your old Cakewalk to install. You can install Cakewalk by Bandlab on your new PC and have that as your only DAW.
So, yes, Cakewalk by Bandlab does work with Windows 10. However, it has to be the 64bit version of Windows. 32bit operating systems are not supported. Cakewalk by Bandlab supports Windows 7 SP1 or above.
Also, you might want to make sure your Windows 10 PC has all updates installed and that you have the latest drivers for all of your hardware. Confirm this with the manufacturer's websites rather than rely on Windows updates.
Note: you did download the correct file.