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Nathan Snip

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Everything posted by Nathan Snip

  1. I was able to pick up a used Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen. I installed the drivers switched the driver settings to ASIO in Cakewalk and the problem has stopped happening. So I'm blaming the Zoom R8 or WASAPI for this issue. I'm going to limit the R8 to portable recording duty from now on.
  2. Hi John thanks for the reply, My system specs; AMD Ryzen 5 3600 , with 16GB of RAM with an SSD. Latency Monitor; "Conclusion: Your system appears to be suitable for handling real-time audio and other tasks without dropouts." I've optimized my system for audio following this guide https://www.sweetwater.com/sweetcare/articles/windows-11-pc-optimization-for-recording/ My interface is a Zoom R8 so I can only run WASAPI as a driver mode. I know some people on this forum have had issues with this interface. I am able to add single pedals and amps in TH 3 but seems like cabinet simulation causes the "crash"/level peak problem. It's almost as if adding the cabinet cranks the signal to ∞. The guitar is patched directly to the Zoom R8 with no insert effects or anything fancy.
  3. I'm able to monitor my guitar and use the TH3 plugin but when I switch presets or add a cabinet to an amp I hear a click/pop sound as my track level peaks to max and the audio engine cuts out. I've tried it with input volume from my interface at zero and the same thing happens. I have to remove the effect and restart the audio engine to hear the guitar again. I've tried increasing the ExtraPluginBuffs and I thought that had fixed it but the problem reappeared today. Only seemed to work for 1 day... confusing as to why this happens. Does anyone know the solution? Thanks for any help!
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