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  1. It was not intentional. It was a dealer mispricing, then a couple of others noticed and matched. If you were here having found and then trying to help manage getting it fixed promptly when some of the players move a bit like a monolith you would curse the glitch and never want to do it intentionally. It was a bit of a nightmare here on our side. Nobody was happy, not the dealers involved not the dealers who weren't and wondered what the.., not us.
  2. Thank you for the kind words. There are a lot of reasons, though, that I may not be on forums as much. Yes, some forums are not interested in reps posting and I get it, but it does make it difficult to know what to say and what not to. On top of that, I'm in charge of a lot of things (technically my title is Digital Marketing Manager) and have been at IK so long that I tend to be able to do a lot of things to help out internally when the need arises so things can get a bit, busy. That sounded like a lot of excuses, but that's not how I meant it. I think most people here know I do my best to be transparent about things like that and don't like to disappoint. That's fair too. Thank you for the kind words and the constructive criticism. This forum may know and believe more than most that I and quite a few IK employees have been relaying the good, bad, and ugly and have gone to the mat for some nice changes (like the elimination of the sound reactivation period/fees, one-click free transfer of TONEX Pedal/ONE with the great software bundled with it, etc). We're not all the way there for everything but progress has been made. Thank you for the kind words, I'll let the support team know (they deserve to hear some nice things since I spend some of my time sending not-so-nice or fun requests from users online) too. And, judging at least by this response yes I do appear! Like a genie but without the three wishes haha. Seriously, though, genies always have tricks with those wishes, I'll try to affect change without the trickery best I can.
  3. The following product has been released on the IK Product Manager: TONEX v1.8.1 (for Mac/PC) This is a technical update, here is what’s new in version 1.8.1: TONEX Pedal firmware 1.5.13 (updated TONEX software, and then you can update your TONEX Pedal firmware from there) Fixed an issue that could cause the Global BPM to change while switching presets. Tone Model Advanced Search feature now available on ToneNET . Fixed an issue with Windows installer . General reliability improvements.
  4. Also, this is the video to go along with the release:
  5. Firmware would be downloaded completely and then updated locally. For best stability you might want to pay most attention to having a stable USB connection, without hubs with a million things plugged in, don't have multiple TONEX devices plugged in, and such.
  6. November 14th is the date, in case folks are interested: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=TonexFxReleased
  7. I understand. I know that I can no longer post deals here but I try to swing by to answer questions and clarify things best I can. The Humble Bundle was more hands-off than promos we run ourselves (like the one I can't post about directly that I don't see listed ) so that's my bad for not swinging by to say whatever I can about the deal.
  8. It was intended for all who purchased Tier 4, previously or after the email Humble sent. I also just proposed a pretty straightforward solution (hopefully) for the folks having issues with a few of the libraries not downloading so if you haven't contacted IK Support about your issues with Tier 4 libraries please do so.
  9. If you bought Tier 4 before the change, you should get the upgraded content of ST4 MAX v2 as well.
  10. For those who had long startup times in AmpliTube: AmpliTube 5 X (version 5.10.1) This is a technical update, here is what’s new in version 5.10.1: - Fixed a bug that caused long app loading times, especially if TONEX library is very large. - General reliability improvements.
  11. You can click the "Try" there and it will get you set up with the Intro version and the ability to try any of the other modules. Thanks!
  12. That's not a bad idea. Even as a promotion. That is exactly what I saw before I installed T-RackS 6 MAX too and that should be present for those who want to try T-RackS 6 using the Intro version (which is now the free version). Group buy modules do count. We have made improvements to the coupon implementation so you might want to try again but also let me and/or the team know if it still doesn't work. T-RackS 6 is not available for purchase with Gear Credits. It seemed so, but there definitely were some odd issues as it apparently is (well I'm admitting it is TO ME in case my colleagues are reading this ) confusing internally with regard to some of the older bundles and lesser-known types of products that contained T-RackS processors. I also accept some of the blame since I'm usually quite thorough and I know I would also have missed some of these cases where the coupon was not applied properly. However, the team fielded the reports and any data folks like me could funnel to them (including theories which I can neither deny nor confirm were correct since I threw out a few of them) and the coupons should be showing correctly now. I also absolutely acknowledge your point about a straightforward price reduction, even in cart, being more elegant and I will continue to try to highlight that as a more elegant solution when there are opportunities like this. Auto-application of the coupon, though, caused issues in the past where some folks had more JamPoints than the coupon and wanted to use those just to let you know why the coupon doesn't currently automatically apply. Oh and the 50+ was meant to cover people who essentially have T-RackS 5 MAX v2 without having purchased that specific product. This would typically be via group buys and similar. If you want to shoot me your IK username I can double check. Not that I'm doubting your math, but might be worth a shot.
  13. We have a FAQ about this, note that the lowest entry point is the price of a single plugin - T-RackS 6 is $/€99.99 (and you can use JamPoints to take an up to additional 30% off). Those who have T-RackS 5 MAX v2 or 50+ single T-RackS processors can get T-RackS 6 MAX for $/€99.99. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/faq/index.php?id=1517
  14. If you have 50+ T-RackS single processors you'd qualify for the $/€100 off. IK Support can look at your account and see what is happening but the 100 off coupon should show in your cart to be applied if the system knows you qualify. Might be something odd happening so it is worth checking into since by your description you should qualify. Thank you.
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