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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. More double points: The Specials - Do Nothing
  2. Double points: The Jazz Butcher - Nothing Special This one comes with a parental warning: "Explicit lyrics". I am at a complete loss as to what they think is explicit in the lyrics (other than he misspelled becan as bacon). Can anyone spot what's explicit here please? Lyrics He walks like a prefect I bet all his clothes were made in Thailand Don't like the look of him at all I'm on this train again Sick and tired of these dumb procedures Don't like his watch; don't want to know him And I ain't gonna wash And I ain't gonna dream And I ain't gonna talk And I ain't gonna scheme And I ain't going to do a single thing Gonna be the man who sat down And I ain't gonna wash And I ain't gonna shower Just sit here waiting for terminal hour And I ain't going to do a single thing Gonna be the man who sat down He's got a notebook There's snow on the ground And there's bacon in my lunch They always say that trouble comes in threes And my friends say that I sulk 'coz I'm a drunk And I know all these passengers agree But I don't want the sea And I don't want the beach And everything I do what is out of reach And I ain't gonna do a single thing Gonna be the man who sat down And I ain't gonna laugh And I ain't gonna play I wish I could be a thousand miles away And the words are all my business Gonna be the man who sat down I dreamed I saw my neighbours jumping from a thirteen story window But in the station there they were The disappointment turns me 'round, of course, But I can live with all those things The train can do the moving I'm not gonna stir And I ain't gonna wash And I ain't gonna dream And I ain't gonna jump And I ain't gonna scream And I ain't gonna move again Gonna be the man who sat down And I ain't gonna read And I ain't gonna smoke And I refuse point-blank to understand your jokes So I ain't gonna move again I've seen the writing on the engine and it says: The name of this train is the Nothing Special The name of this train is the Nothing Special The name of this train is the Nothing Special That's all it says The name of this train is the Nothing Special It's just an ordinary train A very ordinary train Just like all the others; just a very ordinary train
  3. Wibbles


    The damage she did to my country is immeasurable. Three decades later we are still paying the price.
  4. Old hippies go techno: System 7 - 7:7 Expansion And a nice ambient mix: System 7 - 7:7 Expansion (Double Edged Sword Mix By Greg Hunter)
  5. Lemon Interrupt - Big Mouth (Lemon Interrupt is an alias used by Underworld)
  6. Wibbles


    When it comes to our next new monarch, I keep thinking it's going to be King Charles The Spaniel.
  7. Buzzcocks - Something's Gone Wrong Again
  8. Eddie Cochran - Three Steps To Heaven
  9. Wibbles


    There's gonna be nowt else on telly for the next two weeks over here.
  10. It was an open goal - I just had to knock it in.
  11. S e x Pistols - God Save The Queen Oops The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
  12. @pwalpwal Because it's your mum's favourite track: Motörhead – Bomber
  13. Apparently, I'm the one not paying attention. ? I shall sit quietly in a corner and think about what I've done.
  14. You're not paying attention again. I posted the same track last night.
  15. Known as mondegreens: A mondegreen is a mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase in a way that gives it a new meaning. Mondegreens are most often created by a person listening to a poem or a song; the listener, being unable to hear a lyric clearly, substitutes words that sound similar and make some kind of sense. The American writer Sylvia Wright coined the term in 1954, recalling a childhood memory of her mother reading the Scottish ballad "The Bonny Earl of Murray" (from Thomas Percy's 1765 book Reliques of Ancient English Poetry), and mishearing the words "layd him on the green" as "Lady Mondegreen"
  16. I probably deserve banning for that last one ... ... where are the mods when you need them?
  17. Flaming Lips -> Yeastie Girls - You Suck
  18. Chills -> Flaming and Blue -> Pink The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (Full Album)
  19. Lyrics: Silent camel train on desert sands Three minutes of perfection, proving an epic track doesn't need to be 12 minutes long: The Chills - Night Of Chill Blue
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