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Scott Perry

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Everything posted by Scott Perry

  1. If anyone is interested in knowing what I wound up doing with this . . . https://on.soundcloud.com/ayeyLKeWESmoDA9o7
  2. Thank you everyone for the suggestions and interactions. I wound up going with the solution above. It works perfectly.
  3. I'll post the composition when it is done. I'm doing some things with microsound and prime numbers.
  4. Yeah, a square wave would work. However, the automation thing works better for my purposes.
  5. I had thought of this basic idea but I did not have a way to do it. Thanks!
  6. That will not work for the purpose of cutting into a sine wave. Thanks anyhow.
  7. Sorry, I should have been more specific. I want to select alternating 128th notes all at the same time and move them to another track. I already understand the snap grid unless there is some functionality there that I missed that is relevant.
  8. I am doing an audio project where I'm cutting into sine waves and splitting them between stereo tracks for the purposes of a type of granular synthesis. I want to know if there is a way to select alternating 128th notes in an audio track. Otherwise I'll be doing this for days and possibly weeks on end selecting them by hand.
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