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Paw Vester Kristensen

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Everything posted by Paw Vester Kristensen

  1. Thanks guys for the advise. I hope that the tech-guys will take a look at this as a feature for a future update. Take care. /Paw.
  2. Thanks for your comment. But There are many reasons not to do that. 1. You will end up with static sounding kicks with same velocity. 2. It’s not intuitive when You are in the pianoroll to open a dusty filter from the 90’s 3. I prefer editing with the mouse, not by numbers.
  3. Hi Rickddd Thanks. But it seemed to be work arounds. I have been doing professional MIDI-files since 1994. And work with pianoroll every single day. So the copy pasting tracks are more work for me than to take a whole region record take again. So I have pointed this issue out to the Cakewalk developers, because it should be quite easy to implement, if not there already. They will surely return with a good way directly in the pianoroll window graphical as it should be in 2021. ? regards Paw. midifiles.dk
  4. HI Rickddd Thanks for Your solution hack. I will surely try it out. A question: Will that not take effect on all the notes on that track? You see i have hihats, snares and kicks. And my aim is to only find the low velocitys of the kick drum. Regards Paw.
  5. And im afraid i was too fast. That shift didnt do it. Here is a video showing the problem: https://www.facebook.com/1369837992/videos/2155143691291337/
  6. Hi guys. I have a new wish for the software developement. Under Views / Sysex: At this point You have to select every single sys-ex and delete it. It would be a great thing if it was possible to mark more than one sys-ex at the time. Thanks
  7. Hi Guys, What is the most easy (best) way to select a number of drum notes from pianoroll view, that have less velocity than others? Without choosing every single one in a 6 minutes long song. Why is it not possible to use the mouse and just mark all the low velocity notes all at a time. I think that was possible before. But i have forgotten how to When i do it now, all other notes within the same velocity also get´s activated (fx. hihat notes etc) I know ways with find/change/filter/cal but i wan´t it to be done in pianoroll. Kind regards Paw.
  8. My suggestion: To make a MIDI chord analys from midi events on a selected track. And to save them in the MIDI-file as XF Simple Chords, to be shown in keyboard displays and MIDI-file players from computers. The solution could be as in the freeware: PSRUTI that can be downloaded here: https://psruti.software.informer.com/8.5/ It would be a nice feature not to leave Cakewalk for making a task like this.
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