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William Copper

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  1. William Copper

    File Info window

    deleted .. found info .. Views - Browser .. then a section of that called notes. Thanks in this thread.
  2. Perhaps this is a bug then, David: I carefully made sure a certain set of tracks was selected in Track View, then opened PRV, then verified the same set of tracks was selected in both, then used Edit-Select by -Time .. the selection of tracks changed to ALL tracks. Right-click and drag requires NOTES so it is impossible to select a group of controllers or patch changes or pitch wheel that come, as they generally do, BEFORE a certain note or notes.
  3. I'm sorry not to have stated clearly enough the problem. It is the operation found (in track view) under the "Edit" menu: "Select", "By Time" that gives me difficulty from the piano roll window. The way "select by time" works is to give a pop up window allowing entry of bar numbers for start and end of the selection. I use the shortcut key FROM A PRV WINDOW very frequently to select a set of bars often far different than what is visible on the Timeline (which is why selecting by clicking on the timeline is not very useful). It is this operation, or some usable work around, that I'm hoping to find. Some way to select a group of bars for a limited set of tracks, those in use in the PRV .. I don't have an active version of the old Sonar right now, but I'm pretty sure it worked this way during those days: from within a PRV (which then could be set to include ONLY certain tracks) select by time gave the selection for just those certain tracks.
  4. Just by recollection -- I think this has been a failed thing since 20 years ago -- or more! -- 1990s . I never dare try it, the odd unwanted consequences are so difficult to fix. Generally a VERY rigorous attention to select begin and select end is wise for anything to do with a "cut" operation of any sort.
  5. In the newer cakewalk versions the single thing that has caused most problems is the inability to select by time WITHIN THE PIANO ROLL VIEW. If you select by time while looking at two tracks, the new cakewalk selects ALL tracks. That's ok in Track View, but it would be so helpful if the limited tracks chosen in a particular piano roll view were also chosen in ANY select operation done in that window.
  6. The standard answer is no, but if you look closely things like the use of auxiliary tracks and plugins that are shared between tracks can cause a different answer, at least so far as bounce to track (I never use bounce to clip, so can't say about that). What can happen is that, say, a reverb on an aux bus from tracks not involved in the bounce can contribute the reverb from the unwanted tracks. Then there are the options: for Source Category, use "entire mix", use "hardware outputs" , use "buses", etc. Each can create a different and usually undesirable alteration. So, maybe a better answer is: if there is not any routing in use, the bounce is unchanged; otherwise, be careful.
  7. Thanks, David. Sounds like a good guess, and I'll try experimenting as you suggest, with the driver and maybe getting a better audio interface.
  8. Typical set up includes options for piano roll as shown and an open event list window.
  9. I am having crashes that sound like the same as posted. same behavior in 2022-(2?) version and 2023-9 version. Occasionally when simply using the mouse to 'move' a note in piano roll view Cakewalk freezes briefly then crashes without notice and without saving work and without any following report about the crash. This is in Windows 10; has happened many times. It may be that it is a particular kind of mouse move .. click and drag .. but I have not been able to intentionally make the crash happen. Sometimes soon after starting work, sometimes after hours of work. Any clues? I typically keep four piano roll screens, undocked, with one of them active and three minimized (using "lock contents" option at top left of each screen). Kontakt is usually the only active plug in (multiple instances). At the moment a simple usb audio interface. Asio, no special configuration (default buffers, etc).
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