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giuseppe gibilmanno

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  1. I think surge xt may be the problem, it really has a lot of tools to change the waveform that maybe I don't need right now, could you recommend another synthesizer instead of that one? just a few tools and fx to choose from (always free)
  2. Ok,Now i understand why cakewalk is Free.. . You already spent a lot of money tu buy a powerful PC ?, so the only way in my poor condition is export every single surge xt session as audio file then import again and record a new session in overlapping, la right?
  3. Hello to everyone friends ,this is my very first time that i use a daw,and i dont'understand how to made multiple traks overlapping with the surge xt synthetizer,i try to by pass this issue exporting the audio every single time that i made a track with surge xt and add another surge xt track on the previous imported audio track... but i think this is not the right way.. if i try to made multiple track using surge xt my pc go to freeze and need to close all... may be because i have just 4 Gb of ram ? even if i can add a 2° track with surge xt using different instrument it change the music instrument also at the 1°
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