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  1. Hello guys, I connected the newly purchased interface to the computer. All apps see it and stream audio normally without any problem, but Cakewalk does not. Interestingly, it sees Focus as an input device and I can record without any problems, but not listen. Please help
  2. Yup, it's workin. Thank u very much sir <33
  3. Yes, before reinstallin I uninstalled everything I could from Cakewalk. I installs all updates on an ongoing basis and always reboots PC. The problem is that the computer says Cakewalk is installed and it is not.
  4. I used the web installer and the problem still occurs.
  5. No, D:\ isn't my boot drive, but i checked at C:\Program Files and Cakewalk folder doesn't exist.
  6. Hello guys, I had to reinstall Cakewalk, but after dat the app doesn't exist (look ss). I tried clickin uninstall, but after dat nothin happens. I've been strugglin with this for 4 hours now, please help.. ?
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