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Mr No Name

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  1. I demo'ed these a while back, was quite underwhelmed with them tbh, bit bland and one dimensional imo.
  2. I had the idea of a cloud based DAW about 7 years ago, wish I would have patented it, could have been rich.
  3. do they actually improve the plug in after a WUP? or is it just less of a ballache to install and have a higher version number? I do believe alot of mac users are fans of waves.
  4. it's more likely waves central broke waves, it likes to do that.
  5. No, the individual channels, when you load a synth, try dragging the synth to load on a seperate channel of its own each time, Instead of loading via the synth rack.
  6. Have you considered accessing them from the channels individually and ignoring the synth rack?
  7. robot mastering engineer with 6 fingers 😄 tbf I have heard good reports about the version 11 but I have no intention of trying it myself. on a side note bandlab have a self mastering algorhythm, which I tested to try, and although not fantastic, wouldn't be bad for a rough loudened master. and also is free.
  8. it has a thing that "listens" to your song and masters it accordingly, so yes, some type of AI, not a very bright one.
  9. Ozone 11 is supposed to be better, maybe they got better on that one. it seems whatever you put in there even if it's - 5 lufs, it will try to make it - 4, instead of saying "hang on a minute" and realising it sounds rubbish and should be at -8 lufs. The moral of this story is don't use ozone to master your songs, use a person.
  10. get rid of it, I used the elements 10 version to "master" an already mastered track as an experiment, It sounded awful. if it really was as clever as it thinks it is, it would have known it was already mastered.
  11. a good review of a good synth, 👍
  12. tbf , his riffing skills wern't great.
  13. depends which type of music, but for dance /techno/house type of music I would highly recommend it, better than many other softsynths I've heard. plus a free rhodes plug in, widener/delay 👍
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