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Everything posted by JazzP

  1. That's indeed how the presets in the ini file and the preset manager works. However, if you are not aware of this, and have not backed up your presets using the Export before you update or install another Cakewalk product, there is still the risk of losing your custom data; in my opinion that is not acceptable. I learned about the Sonitus:FX presets being overwritten the hard way durin a Sonar upgrade which included new versions of the Sonitus:FX plugins....
  2. I am not sure how this will solve the overwrite issue as not all these options apply to the Sonitus:FX plugins. - Give custom preset custom names: Sonitus:FX plugins are DirectX, and the internal preset option stores the presets in an .ini file (the one that is being overwritten). So if I give it a custom name, it is stored in the same file as the factory presets. There is that Other cakewalk preset button thing in the toolbar, but that one is horrible to work with, and I have no idea where those are stored (not in Content folder, not in AppData etc. Maybe in the register?) - Define your own content folder: the plugins are installed by default in the Shared Plugins folder, of which the location is determined during the first Cakewalk installation on a pc. Afterwards, this folder is being used by all other Cakewalk products, and there is no way to influence this. Maybe you can elaborate on your suggestions on how to exactly apply them to this scenario?
  3. I asked if there is a way to fixate the vertical grid line resolution without turning of the smart grid 😉 But thanks for your contribution, at this point it is not possible the way I would like it.
  4. I don't want to turn of smart grid, otherwise I would already have gone for that solution.
  5. I have observed this behavior before with other Cakewalk versions, but now it happened again when I installed Sonar 2024.11 for the first time next to an existing installation of CbB: The SonitusFX plugin preset files (FxCompressorDX.ini etc.) in the Shared Plugins folder (C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins) are being overwritten by the default files when SonitusFX is being installed by another, thus loosing all saved user presets (not wanted!). The installation of Sonar did not let me choose a different folder as it was apparently already fixed as default location by CbB. I was prepared for this and had backed up the files before, but it is still annoying. So please fix that the Cakewalk Sonar installer preserves SonitusFX .ini files with a newer date found in the Shared Plugins folder.
  6. You're right, its indeed in the colors in CbB. I thought I already checked for this, but apparently I was searching for the wrong entries before. The "Vertical Beat Lines" and "Vertical Measure Lines" I had changed to the same color as background. Now waiting for the color editing in Sonar to become available again...
  7. In my CbB the vertical grid lines in the track view are fixed at whole measures (regardless the level of zoom), which I like because of the clean look; the smart grid is then still enabled. However, in the new Sonar the vertical grid line resolution changes with the zoom level, and has a much smaller resolution, making the screen way too cluttered to my personal taste. It seems the only way to fixate the vertical grid line resolution is by turning of smart grid and set snap to "whole" (1/1). Is there a way to fixate the vertical grid line resolution without turning of the smart grid, or make the secondary lines disappear so that only the vertical grid lines at the measures are left?
  8. I believe that the development team would not have put forward switching to a vector based GUI when they are not absolutely certain about it. Did you know that Ableton is using vector graphics as well?
  9. The ShuttlePro is not seen as a control surface in cakewalk. Basically, the ShuttlePro is nothing more than an enhanced keyboard emulator, of which its software recognizes which program currently has the focus, switching the mapping profiles to the focussed program. It's a simple but very effective and powerful approach. When you hover your mouse over the control panel software in your system tray, a tooltip will tell you which software has the focus. So when you have Cakewalk active, go check what your control panel is currently focussed on (which should be "cakewalk.exe"), and then check if you have a matching profile for that executable. Open the ShuttlePro control panel to see what the profile is. There are indeed some older versions listed, but I strongly advise you to setup your own profile. I have been using the ShuttlePro for 10+ years (v1, recently got a v2), and I feel handicapped without it. The jogwheel moves the playing position along the timeline (ctrl + page-up/down), buttons above the jogwheel are mapped to the various toolbar options, and I have play/record/rewind programmed on the lower buttons.
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