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  1. YES... Answered my own question Install the disk and unticked everything but SD-2, Oh and the old Vintage VC-64 as well
  2. Have some old projects using SD-2 I wish to revive but no longer have SD-2 on my machine. Can I install just SD-2 from my old Sonar 6 disk onto a Window 10 machine and is there anything nasty to avoid in the process?
  3. Thanks Brain I should of added... - that's Australian dollars - I have a capable Desktop machine so the laptop is for field work and general stuff Also I've only ever used Win Home, don't even know what extras are in Win Pro (I'll google it and study up) As it will be intresting to see what improvements to a DAW it has (if any)
  4. Thanks Aidan I'm using a Scarlett 18i20... It's an awesome unit
  5. Hi all, I know so little when it comes to hardware and wondering if this would be a good replacement for my aging machine? https://deals.dell.com/en-au/productdetail/6ih3 Thanks
  6. Hi, I'm using another DAW these day so can I still install Zeta and DimPro from the cakewalk command centre Will have to load sonar Platinum to install Studio Instruments Suite and Session Drummer?
  7. I'm extremely pleased to hear that you are "still alive" as that's mandatory to enjoying life I will most certainly PM you with any Gremlins I find or what I perceive to be so. It seem to me the best procedure is to simplify the .cwp by removing all MIDI and none needed audio clips and saving this as a striped down version of the project in a different folder before conversion. I will test further as I have only converted 3 projects but I have notice that some buss's are converted into a Reaper folder with child tracks and some are interpreted as independent tracks, all of theses buss's have tracks routed to them so not sure what significant difference there is to make this so. When all said and done this is a remarkable achievement... well done! and thank you for sharing.?
  8. Finally found time to convert unfinished cakewalk projects to reaper using "ReaCWP 0.0r2b51". I converted two projects and was amazed at what it can do. Wonder if this is still being actively developed as I have about 20 projects I wish to transfer
  9. Thanks for that, bit of a bummer but at least I know now.
  10. Has anyone done this? Is it even possible. I can't get cakewalk to show up in reapers FX rewire list Is there something I need to firstly do in cakewalk for it to show up in Reaper? Thanks
  11. Thanks scook I did mean Z3ta+2 and forgot to add Rapture what a shame and a waste as I still find this trio awesome regardless of the DAW I'm using
  12. I keep getting asked by new users in my town if DimPro and Z3ta will ever come back. anyone with knowledge on this subject?
  13. If you still have your old computer look in programdata/cakewalk/command centre/downloads folder, DimPro should be there along with all the other bibs and bobs. I've save this complete folder so I have a backup. hth
  14. Setting up a PCR-500 for my key bindings and don't want to designate a MIDI Key or Controller as a shift key... Is this posible? Thanks
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