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Rene Pedersen

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  1. Either I didn't explain it properly, or you are misunderstanding what I intended to convey. I am not trying to record on top of already existing notes, I am doing a new take lane, where the notes are at the same key as some of the other takes, so 2 take lanes have overlapping notes. If I select 1 take lane and try to select all the notes at once, it also selects all the notes from the other take lane - So now I am essentially editing 2 take lanes at the same time, when I only intended to select the notes on just one of them...
  2. If you have 2 midi notes overlapping on the same key in PRV, when you try to select just the top one, it also selects the one underneath, unless you click on each note one at a time. (This is when you hold right mouse click and drag to mark multiple notes)
  3. Exactly, it just doesn't make any sense to me. I also found out that if you have stacked notes in the PRV and you mark all of them and you want to transpose them up or down, you can't select multiple notes by marking them, because when you do, it also selects the ones below that I didn't want to move... CbB seems to have a lot of silly things like this spread throughout, and it's messing too much with my workflow that I will have to look elsewhere to do my composing. I really wanted to get into using it as my daily driver, but it just keeps throwing shade at me, when I'm trying to do simple things. It's not really because I don't know how to use it properly, it's because I'm trying to do something and the program gives me resistance and says "Nope, I see what you are trying to do, but you will have to do it in a less intuitive way, at the expense of being pulled out of your creative flow".
  4. Here is a good example of what I am looking for: When you have multiple takes on 1 track it shows as clips stacked on top of each other, but you don't see both takes, because they are overlapping and takes are collapsed: Here is the track with take lanes expanded, now you can see all the MIDI data in the top clip for both takes: What is the logic behind this behaviour? Surely even more so, all the data should be visible on the top clip when it's not expanded, so you have all the data from each take visible, right? ? If the above were to be changed to show all MIDI data on the top clip when having lanes, my pet peeve would be resolved, but also everybody else will still be happy as well, because you still have all the take lanes available for individual edits and no need to unmerge anything.
  5. I mean, if you want to still use take lanes that's fine, but at least let me see all the MIDI data in the main clip when it's not expanded to show all take lanes, instead of stacking every recording on top of each other as multiple clips...? I understand that people like the freedom of not having to commit to a final clip and losing control of each take/recorded lane. But it's a problem that can be fixed with a simple visibility change of how a clip looks with take lanes.
  6. @Noel Borthwick and @Morten Saether is this something that could potentially be implemented in Sonar, please?
  7. Hi there, I have for a very long time wondered why it is necessary to "Bounce to clips" every time you record midi on top of another midi clip, as in most other DAWs (If not all) you have the option to just merge new recording into the same clip when you record on top of it and then the notes show up on the clip, instead of having multiple takes overlapping and having to mark all the clips and run the "Bounce to clips" function to get this effect? Is there some kind of setting I am not aware of, or is this the expected way of it to be working? Thank you in advance.
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