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Philip Chika

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  1. Yeah I know. I'm actually both as well, software engineer with over 30 years in the field, but I'm software more than hardware these days. These types of BIOS features did not exist back in my board slinging days (8088 to 286) and I could not find them in my current BIOS. I used Atari ST's in those days, they were vastly superior for music prod at that time but I readily yield to the experts in that area these days, current tech has moved well beyond where I ever was. Wonder if I could hire Jim to take a look.
  2. In isolation this makes sense, but two things give me pause. First, these same plugins work just fine on my other Cakewalk installation which is on a weaker machine (I-7, 4th gen, 16 gb) using a Tascam USB interface on Win 10 64, but not so well on this new machine (I-7, 6th gen, 32 gb) with a focusrite scarlet 2i4 interface Win 10 64. However even on the new machine, these plugins work fine in Reaper, only a problem in Cakewalk. But on the new machine I have the latest version of Cakewalk, on my legacy machine I have not downloaded the latest upgrade yet. Now I'm afraid to. Anyway I will be trying the Latency Mon this evening. Wish me luck!
  3. Not asking about bounced down tracks, I'm asking about midi tracks that are playing back vs me playing live. When I record or just play live I get the glitches. But when I play back those same midi tracks, no glitches. Only happens when I play live, whether recording into a track or just playing along with a track, or just playing without the tracks playing.
  4. Jim Roseberry I'll give it a shot, but how does the driver know or distingsuish between when I'm playing live and when it's just the track playing back?
  5. A very old sequencer app that I have had one really great feature, it allowed you to rechannel any mid input on the fly so if you had an old legacy keyboard that only works on channel one, you could still record directly to any other channel using that feature. Is there a way to do that with Cakewalk or is there a vst available that can be used to do it?
  6. Yes vst instruments. I don't know about the physical modeling or disk streaming but I can tell you I use these same VSTs on another machine with cakewalk with no issues as well as with Reaper, again with no issues. In any case do you have any advice on what I might try to resolve?
  7. I've been using Cakewalk for years and have dealt with all kinds of issues with unwanted clicks and pops, usually it comes down to latency issues or ASIO driver issues and usually it's most prevalent when recording audio. However this issue is very different from the run of the mill issues of this sort. In this case, I'm getting pops on some (but not all) of my VSTs when playing back but if I take the vst track and bounce to track, the recorded audio is fine. It's only when live playing the midi, and again only on some vsts (32 bit ones I believe). I've tried cranking up the latency but it makes no difference. Another peculiar thing is that if I record the midi and just play it back, then I get no pops. Only if I'm live playing do I get these pops. I also have an installation of reaper on the same machine. I get none of these issues with it even on the same ASIO settings. So It's definitely a Cakewalk issue, not a gear issue.
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