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Martin Schiff

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  1. Thanks @treesha. I also had a picture of the original pillars image cut from the newspaper on my fridge for years.
  2. Here's a new ambient piece done in Sonar called "Descent". It's done with the new Hyperion library from PluginGuru.com called Cinematic Landscapes. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14951165
  3. Martin Schiff

    They Lied

    Musically, I don't mind the vocal effect, but if the lyrics are important to you, I have a hard time understanding them. Why not try mixing some uneffected vocal with the effected one to make it a bit more understandable.
  4. I already owned Scaler 2, but bought into the $49 deal so I didn't have to deal with Plugin Boutique. I can't imagine that the upgrade will be much cheaper than that, but even if it is, it was worth it to me.
  5. Very nice! I enjoyed watching and listening. Especially impressive that you did the astrophotography as well.
  6. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14918431 Done in Sonar using PluginGuru Unify, SoundBox Lumen from Kompose Audio and Purity from PluginGuru.
  7. Love this! Both the video and audio.
  8. Martin Schiff

    Right Now

    I enjoyed it a lot.
  9. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14915567 I just posted a new ambient piece called "Dreams" with multiple tracks using Soundbox with sounds from Kompose Audio, and Audiomodern libraries for Soundbox. Also a couple of tracks with Purity from PluginGuru.
  10. I've done this with Macrium Reflect a number of times. It works great. Never had a problem.
  11. Very nicely done! I really enjoyed listening. Martin
  12. I updated Sonar yesterday when I opened it. I am working on a new piece in the new Sonar , and am having a problem in Unify with the Unified Plasmonic library. On a Unify track that was added in Sonar, I selected the Plasmonic Unified library and selected one of the patches. When I save the project, and reopen it, Unify still has the title of the patch I selected showing, but when I double click on Plasmonic, it shows (and plays) the default patch (After the Rain). If I click on the patch I had selected (which is still highlighted) then Plasmonic shows (and plays) the corrected patch. Each time I save the project, it reverts and I have to go to all the tracks that I had selected from Plasmonic and reset them. All of the tracks in my project are Unify tracks, and the other tracks that are not Plasmonic do not revert or change. I just created a new project and added a single track with an instance of Unify. Then selected Unified Plasmonic and chose the Polariton patch. Then I saved the project, closed Sonar, and reopened it, and opened Unify on that track. It showed Polariton as the title, but when I double clicked on Plasmonic, it showed the default patch. This did not happen in the previous version of Sonar as I have been working on this piece for about a month. It turns out that this problem was using an outdated version of Plasmonic. It is not a problem with Sonar. After I updated Plasmonic, everything works the way it should.
  13. The majority of what I've been doing lately (all in Cakewalk or Sonar) I classify as ambient. In fact, I'm working on a new one right now that I started on a 12-day cruise with my wife. Starbirth Music One of the ways I go about it is to start with an improvised bed that goes the length of time that I want the piece to be, and then I add other sounds on additional tracks until I like the way the whole piece sounds. Pads, bells and other similar sounds are used a lot. I sometimes use nature sounds, but I've pretty much gotten away from doing that lately. Much of my current stuff is ambient space music. I got a Roli Seaboard Rise 2 and using that with the included Equator 2 synth is a fantastically inspiring way to do ambient music. I know you said that you don't want to purchase anything, but Unify from pluginguru.com is a great way to combine sounds into awesome ambient mixes. I use it on everything I do for the past couple of years. They also have inexpensive libraries, some of which are great for ambient work.
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