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Everything posted by Chimey

  1. https://www.arturia.com/sounds#lady_gaga_tribute https://www.arturia.com/sounds#floyd_tribute https://www.arturia.com/sounds#floyd_tribute_2 https://www.arturia.com/sounds#moroder_tribute_2 https://www.arturia.com/sounds#toto_tribute_2 https://www.arturia.com/sounds#vangelis_tribute_3 https://www.arturia.com/sounds#zimmer_tribute https://www.arturia.com/sounds#eno_tribute https://www.arturia.com/sounds#tangerine_tribute_2 https://www.arturia.com/sounds#daft_tribute What was that? I think I heard someone say something. Did someone say something? Anybody heard anything? Oh, well, never mind. Gone with the wind at this point.
  2. Floyd Keys Deluxe for Arturia Analog Lab More than 120 synth patches for Analog Lab (and counting) that cover most of Pink Floyd's discography. More presets are in the works and the preset collection will increase. Floyd Keys Deluxe was crafted by Allan Lobo, a keyboardist and sound designer from Brazil, and constantly refined during a period of over 5 years. From December 2016 to the release date in September 2022, each sound was tested on a live stage and fine-tuned. Latest update: May 31st 2023. V2 update of Floyd Keys Deluxe patch set, which will cover even more songs, is expected soon. For Floyd Keys Deluxe owners, this upcoming update will be free. Detailed description of the Floyd Keys Deluxe patch set, the list of covered songs, a video demo of the patches, and FAQ, can be found following the link below. 50% OFF only for the entire month of December. $59,99. https://www.thevstacademy.net/floyd-keys-deluxe https://thevstacademy.gumroad.com/l/floydkeysdeluxe https://www.youtube.com/@AllanLoboVST/videos https://www.instagram.com/allanlobo.vst/ A NOTE
  3. You, guys, aren't exactly friendly and welcoming either, in case you didn't notice. Really unnecessary as well. No, as I said, it's not my pack. I'm doing a forum rundown for a friend.
  4. Yeah, you get all these things, but you don't get a Rush pack this elaborate anywhere else, you can look under every rock, by all means, go ahead and find it. Then again, you can go wherever you like and buy whatever you like. No one holds you a prisoner. Bye!
  5. No, it's not. I'm helping out a friend, who has time deficit to do a forum rundown. Then again, what difference does it make? Mine or else's, whatever. This is a product presentation and all the sounds are in the video posted. If you like it, buy it. If you don't, don't. Rick Wakeman preset pack, as well as Dream Theather pack, covering Kevin Moore, Derek Sherinian and Jordan Ruddess patches is also upcoming.
  6. It's up to 60 patches AND counting. There will be more, as mentioned in the text. All future updates will be free. It's not a bad deal at this price. OR, by all means, you can always look for an alternative Rush pack of this caliber or program all these Rush patches yourself, if you like. Be my guest. I love your optimism. Good luck ?
  7. Rush Keys Deluxe for Arturia Analog Lab More than 50 patches for Analog Lab (and counting) that cover a wide range of famous Rush songs. More patches are in the works. Updates will be free. Rush Keys Deluxe was crafted by Allan Lobo, a keyboardist and sound designer from Brazil. Detailed description of the Rush Keys Deluxe patch set, the list of covered songs, a video demo of the patches, and FAQ, can be found following the link below. 50% OFF only for the entire month of December. $39,90. https://www.thevstacademy.net/rush-keys-deluxe https://thevstacademy.gumroad.com/l/rushkeysdeluxe https://www.youtube.com/@AllanLoboVST/videos https://www.instagram.com/allanlobo.vst/
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