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Kjetil Fjellmann

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Everything posted by Kjetil Fjellmann

  1. Hi all! Here is my new song; "When I Met You". Lyrics written by a friend of mine, and the electric guitar by another friend. Produced solely in Sonar Beta. Any feedback would be very much appreciated 💗 Best regards Kjetil Fjellmann
  2. That's odd. Over here, it sounds the same on SoundCloud and on Spotify.
  3. Thank you It's supposed to be a bit annoying, the clapper-thingy (It's claves). Was not sure about it though...but now I know that it worked - kind of ?
  4. Thank you Mexican/Norwegian... same, same ?
  5. Thank you I will look into my vocal-chain on my next one.
  6. Maybe a better streaming service: The not in tune bends are most intentional A better streaming service maybe:
  7. Hi all! I got kind of a challenge from my wife; could you take this song-lyrics I just wrote, and make a song out of it. (Lyrics in Norwegian). Then this happened in a few days I'd love some feedback from you on what I need to improve for my next song. PS! Made from scratch in Sonar Beta ? Best regards Fjellmann
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