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  1. Yes, great explanation. That's why it's so hard to pinpoint when other programs work fine. That flakey cell of memory has to accessed when it's acting up by the routine in the program that called it. "Poof" is the result. Cakewalk Bandlab is a complex program that relies on sound memory.
  2. Just a thought... Have you run a memory test on your ram? https://www.memtest86.com/ I've had this issue of random crashes and freezing before and it can be frustrating to figure it out. After running memtest86 for several hours (over night), a stick of ram would occasionally cause an error. After replacing the bad ram, the problem never came back; it's been three years now- no wierd crashes anymore. I'm not saying this is your problem but bad ram can be elusive and random in nature. It can work fine for days then intermittently cause problems. This is especially true if you overclock your system. Good luck!
  3. FET's and Vacuum Tubes are both voltage controlled amplifiers and work on the same principals. They both generate even harmonic distortions, which sound more pleasing to the ear. There's something though about the sound of a vacuum tube that can be different than FET's. Maybe it's those electrons bombarding the anode at high voltage from a heated cathode in a vacuum. They may not be consistent in the manufacturing process and the same tube can sound different from each manufacturer. On the other hand, FET's are more reliable and consistent. Both have a great mojo.
  4. For tube mics, I like and own the Warm Audio WA47 & WA67 with the 67 being a bit smoother. Neither is a real dark sounding mic in my opinion; both have that vintage character and are well under a grand. My new favorite tube mic is the Vanguard Audio Labs V13. It is fabulous on just about everything with an in your face beefy sound. The gen2 versions have updated components at about $1100. Also, their V44S gen2 Stereo FET Large diaphragm sounds fantastic at about $1200. It can be set up for M/S, X-Y, Blumlein and other stereo patterns or just used as a mono mic. Sales are going on now. For cheap tube mics, the MXL Heritage HE Premium sounds good for about $500 but the shock mount is junk. This version has a JAN 6072A tube instead of a 12ATY.
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