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  1. Thanks. I already cleared up the data. My space is around 16GB→26GB though. Not so smooth. I try to delete some tracks from the Cakewalk project. So It becomes smooth. Though, I want to use the tracks. I can't delete it. But the problem it depends on the number or kind of fx tracks. And It couldn't bounce. How to do is the best?
  2. It was moved. but it isn't heavy and doesn't work day by day. I delete this cash. C:\Cakewalk Projects\Picture Cache C:\Users\aab\AppData\Local\Temp C:\Windows\Temp And I could export mp3. But I can't now. Audio data become 2kb and not work. Are there other cash and how to repair it? I try to off the some track's fx. So preview moved smooth. Though It can't export and I can't bounce. It is a problem.
  3. Thank you so much. Maybe that effected of FX. I try to change the FX. So I could repaired.
  4. Pan the audio of one track left and right, It affected all the tracks. Even the BGM is swayed left and right. And the left and right truck sound is small. What should I do now? and other question -------------------------------------- Select all data and bounce to track All mixed (bounced).wav This data will be created, but can this data be used as the final audio file? Or do I have to export it from the point where it bounced?
  5. I could connect the audio interface and change ASIO. It works smoothly. Thank you so much.
  6. I'm trying now. Sorry, I couldn't add the information you need. I use an audio interface. When an open cakewalk appears missing audio device message at ASIO mode wasapi_share was played setting audio correctly. but the sound is noisy and stops. WD/KS was a little smooth. but it stopped heavy place. The audio device appears a little bit different but it's okay. The setting appears in the audio interface. Maybe it doesn't good connection between the audio interface and Cakewalk.
  7. Thank you so much. I add informatio WASAPI shared. bit16 sumpling late44100
  8. Maybe spec is enough I am using wasapi share. Maybe I have an audio interface but it doesn't good connection to USB. It is not using is better. And is it better to connect when I use Cakewalk? Does it become smooth? I use it only when recording voice.
  9. Thank you so much. I try to change track -6db sub-buss -3db master -12db my understanding is ok? I will reduce the volume -6db for each truck. However, Is there any way not to delete the automation? Repair is hard. > (i use a calibrated 75db level on main monitor buss and also 63db on -12db monitoring buss) I couldn’t under stand so much is it needed? And how do you check 75db? >then easily adjusted to accommodate the target export levels later. How to do that? Can I use Ozone Maximizer of that way? Is it needed?
  10. Thank you so much. I try to change the volume that uses automation of each track. It is over 0db place of each. But the master truck doesn't over 0db. Does it need to adjust to lower the peak place of each track? Each track is over 0db (become red). Even if the master track is not red, will the sound quality deteriorate if each track is red? (I couldn't find the button for offset mode and envelope mode. And I couldn't understand the difference between offset mode and envelope mode. Which mode is better to adjust each track? But it's okay.)
  11. yamadatarou

    Not smooth preview

    Music preview doesn't work well. It likes delay and bad sound. I changed the performance mode of the PC battery. It works better a little but still, it doesn't work well yet. I tried 2 way of this URL but I couldn't. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021858253-I-m-experiencing-latency-or-audio-dropouts-while-recording-?auth_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjo3MDk1NzEsInVzZXJfaWQiOm51bGwsInRpY2tldF9pZCI6MTYxNjE5NywiZGVmbGVjdGlvbl9pZCI6MjcxMTYyOTEyNDU3MjEsImFydGljbGVzIjpbMzYwMDM0NDQwMTk0LDM2MDAyMTg1ODI1MywzNjAwMzUwMzc2OTRdLCJ0b2tlbiI6bnVsbCwiZXhwIjoxNzA2NzgyMzQxfQ.xd0HOX_QYa1eYyg_OSYeQxFvbHvcNsM6M0JAcL8V0wE&solved=0 >I’m experiencing latency or audio dropouts while recording! 2.If you are using a Windows driver mode (WDM/KS or MME, or WASAPI Shared in Windows 10), try moving the Buffer Size slider to the right towards "Safe" I couldn't move slider. >Hard Disk Buffer Size Settings Need to be increased: 1.In Cakewalk by BandLab, go to Edit > Preferences > Audio - Sync and Cachin Audio only 3 menu. So I couldn't choose Sync and Caching
  12. I had thought of a way to do it, but Since I'm a beginner, I didn't know if there would be any changes in the sound quality, so I didn't try it. This advice comes from someone who has experience using it, so it seems okay. I'll try.
  13. I tried to bounce track. I could separate of clip. I think It's better to not need to bounce. Because I can back before and reduce bounce file. I solved the problem thank you.
  14. Thank you. Teach the way to clean the project. I under stood.
  15. Thank you. Get drive is one of the way.
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