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Simon Webster

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Everything posted by Simon Webster

  1. Im not sure if this has any relevance but the dB is only increasing from the pop on the master bus
  2. Thanks, Just tried setting it to 3 to no avail and above that even up to 50, is there any other recommended settings or possible solutions?
  3. PC specs are: Processor- 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz Installed RAM- 16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable) 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor CPU min and max are both already at 100 percent, EnableSetThreadIdealProcessor I can change to false however for some reason I cant select -1 for the MixThreadCount? I shall have to look into the others things you have suggested. Thanks
  4. I tried this upon your advice, having moved it around in different areas the click still happened except when i set it on fast as possible, I wouldnt get the click happening at the start of playback but further into the track weird sounds and distortion would start happening to the track.
  5. Just did this and I thought it had solved the problem but upon starting the playback again and again from the start point the pops still started happening and getting louder
  6. It will happen from any point in the song I chose and press play, and if I keep stop and starting it from there with the space bar it gets louder- and this can be seen going up in DB on the master bus aswell. If I keep the song playing and click on another part of the song it will play from there with no clicks and no issues.
  7. So I have a large project with a lot of tracks and am only getting the click when I hit play in playback. It gets louder each time I stop and start it again. Ive looked through a few things and increased the playback and record buffer size in increments, rebooted the project but this didnt work. Some forums have said about LatencyMon and Ive downloaded that although admittedly I have no clue what its supposed to do and no clue about trouble shooting things to do with the PC and memory etc. Im using Windows 10, Focusrite ASIO input and output drivers. This happens only when hitting play and I havent had this issue with other projects so can only assume it must be down to the size of the project?
  8. Im trying to turn all of the tracks gain down in a projected all selected at once by pressing CTRL, but it will only pull down the gain of the track im doing it on. I can select a group of tracks of about 5 or so and it will turn down those together, but not with all of the tracks, any reason why this is happening?
  9. I have clicks and pops happening in a recorded vocal track. They are showing up as spikes. I have tried the crossfading solution by splitting a clip and moving the auto crossfade around to no avail, although not sure if I have been doing it correctly. I have watched this video on CbB audio editing by creative sauce, its obvious as to where to do the crossfade where as mine seems less obvious. The second screenshot here is where it looks like the pop is specifically, although not too sure, the selected area in the first clip is where you can hear the click go on for several milliseconds, I have also tried removing a chunk of the audio where it happens but I had to remove a lot of it for the click sound to fully disappear leaving the vocal phrase sounding unnatural. There are a few more of these spikes that show up with a pop sound in this vocal track. What else can I try or may i be trying to edit it incorrectly?
  10. Hi, apologies only just got back round to replying on this, I dont always get the time to come on here. I have tried the crossfading solution by splitting a clip and moving the auto crossfade around to no avail, I go into more detail in my reply above with some screenshots. Having watched the creative sauce video, its obvious as to where to do the crossfade where as mine seems less obvious. The second screenshot here is where it looks like it is, although not too sure, the selected area in the first clip is where you can hear the click go on for several milliseconds, I have also tried removing a chunk of the audio where it happens but I had to remove a lot of it leaving the vocal phrase sounding unnatural.
  11. Hey, yes I follow him and have just watched this video, I did split a clip where the pop is pictured below, the pop happens in that selected area and goes on for most of the duration of the selected part so its hard to identify exactly where, I have messed around with the auto crossfades in a few areas here which Ill attach but i cant seem to get rid of it, so I may not be doing it correctly. Ive moved an auto crossfade around in the area of the sharpest transient where it is coming but do I need to be more specific?
  12. Just taken a look at the audio track and yes there is spikes showing where the click sound is. Sorry Im not quite sure what you mean with the crossfades at zero crossing solution. How would I split it and highlight and know where the signal is at 0db?
  13. Im trying to remove clicks on a projects audio tracks and am not sure exactly how. There are some that need fixing due punch ins and comping etc, and a few in a vocal track, ive tried doing a crossfade and zooming right up to remove the piece of audio, without any results and im not particularly sure im doing it correctly. How do I troubleshoot what is causing the pops, and what would be the solution for removing the pops on where different audio tracks intersect and on my vocal track? Cheers
  14. So ive tuned a lead vocal with melodyne on my lead vocal bus, and noticed the track pops and gets louder at certain points. With melodyne switched off it is as it was recorded with out pops and volume changes. I have moved the buffer size around as recommended in some other threads to no avail, does anybody know what may be causing this?
  15. Hey thanks for the advicd, I tried this and looked through and couldnt find them. Looks like I had rendered the file, happened in another project too, I ended up re recording the audio track.
  16. Yes the audio data was there but now its gone, same for the other previous 4 takes which I cant seem to recover or get any playback on, i had done each take one after the other and they were fine but at the point i want to do some edits, just seem to have disappeared. Take 6 is all there but thats the only one.
  17. Ive got a few takes I want to comp into one, but some of the takes audio and waveform has gone- and wont playback either, soloed or otherwise. What should I do to retrieve these? I have tried the recompute audio data to no avail. Take 5 is the take im trying to recover.
  18. Just followed this and now it seems all sorted. Now got the focusrite ASIO driver settings in CbB and the latency is fixed on recording. Thanks for your help!
  19. Gone and uninstalled the realtek but it is still there, even after it tried to and restarted the PC. Had also tried disabling them and watched the other video Above and changed a few settings to no avail. Still comes up with the same realtek ASIO thing in cakewalk, guess ill have to remove it from the Windows Registry?
  20. Ive gone onto the site downloaded the latest scarlett 3rd gen drivers, PC rebooted after. Gone into cakewalk again and changed the driver mode to ASIO to get this- I understand that it has to be focusrite ASIO but having followed the instructions how would i get to that?
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