I have been using Cakewalk/Sonar for 30(?) years and would describe myself as an advanced user with deep knowledge of computers, electronics, technology and music production. I have hundreds of plugins and in general I have very little problems with stability. I have a windows 10 - 64 bit pc with 64 Gb memory and a RME Fireface UFXII soundcard. I fell in love with Sonnox Oxford Transmod (a transient tool) many years ago but have had problems with Cakewalk crashing when I use it for quite some years. I bought it many years ago and have been able to uprade it several times. Lates version is 4.01.0.(128) from 2022. I have upgraded several times but the crashing has not stopped. I have other transient tools but they are not as good as this one. Does anybody use this plugin without problems?
Roar Vangen i Norway