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Tomo SZN

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  1. Conversely, the box disappeared for me and I have no idea how to get it back. I don't feel as accurate when clicking around the timeline anymore. How do I toggle it back on? I'm sure I just accidentally hit the hotkey for it without realizing.
  2. It's actually insane that this is still an issue 5 years later and now they want to charge people for Cakewalk again without fixing such a major glitch that consistently happens on a super fundamental essential feature.
  3. Listen man, I know I sure as ***** am not going to be paying for a new version of Cakewalk if major bugs that have been in it since like Sonar X1 are still going to exist. Why does sidechaining still crash the audio engine with no dropout error over a decade later? Why does sending drum buses with FX still cause phase issues unless you toggle the FX off, start playback, and then enable them? These are fundamental and massive issues that have existed for over a decade now. I used to pay for this crap, I ain't paying for it again unless they fix it.
  4. Holy crap, this is it. I've been having this weird audio dropout issue for over a year now where sidechaining (usually kick to bass, as is the most common use lol) has been causing the audio to crack fizzle and then dropout while the transport continues (thus not triggering a dropout error message) and I've had no idea what causes it until today finally realizing that it's happening when doing a sidechain send. For the longest time I was thinking it was just Addictive Drums 2 doing it, but as it turns out, it's just when I sidechain, for instance my kick bus to my bass bus. I usually use Sonitus Compressor since that's kind of The Certified Cakewalk Sidechain Comp™ but I just replicated it again with Kilohearts and Fabfilter's compressors as well. Glad I finally found the culprit, absolutely devastated to find out this has been an unresolved issue for years though. I'll keep it real Bandlab, we ain't paying for **** until you fix this lmao
  5. Hey, coming around here from Google because I've narrowed down that this is pretty much the same issue I'm having. A lot of times, even when the projects aren't very heavy, when using Addictive Drums 2 it will just cause Cakewalk to start crackling out of nowhere and then the whole thing will just crash. Sometimes the audio will dropout completely (though there's no error message like a dropout normally would show, and the transport continues to move, but the sound will be gone). Bypassing all FX for some reason will have the audio playback again but oftentimes that will also start to crackle out and then the program will crash entirely. Again, no error message, just...poot. Done, closed, no message. Just complete CTD. But the culprit in every case is Addictive Drums 2. I never had this happen with Sonar Platinum which I finally just switched over from in the summer of 2022. Worth noting I'm using my interface's (Clarett 2pre) integrated ASIO, so that's of zero help either. I'm not stupid. I made a thread about this a while again, and Bandlab's useless support was just giving the basic cut and dry copy-paste answer about audio dropouts and how it's probably just that my top shelf computer "just isn't powerful enough" or some stupid crap like that, the same ***** answer you'd get when trying to Google anything like this because search engines are useless nowadays and SEO and AI has ruined the internet entirely. And they really want us to start paying for Cakewalk again? Come on now.
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