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  1. To be honest, since the re-activation time has been that short, Cakewalk by Bandlab cannot be used offline in a reasonable way anymore! This was the reason I dropped it and I regret that I had invested so much time for it. It would have been better to stay with Sonar Platinum! Today I mostly use another DAW and for the old projects I have Sonar Platinum that does its job quite well. For me BandLab was a real disappointment, but YMMV.
  2. Thanks for your suggestion! But there are caveats in the details, first with iLok there is only one single activation available, second it is not possible to use iLok for all your plugin ownerships (I don't know why)! So that's why I don't get warm with this company at all, but YMMV!
  3. I don't buy anything of this company again no matter how cheap it is, because I always have trouble with their activations if a machine is usually offline! There are not many companies that are that bad in that area! IMHO this is kind of a cheat, 'cos most of the time I cannot use their plugins (and thus I avoid to use them)! If your system is always online, then it maybe different!
  4. Several of those well-known companies like IK have landed on my blacklist the last year, because of installation and authorization issues! This saves me a lot of many, I have rarely purchased anything this year!
  5. I totally agree! I would more emphasize that most of them are surely no professionals!
  6. Do you never mix? IMO for mixing EQ is the 2nd most important thing after the DAW, but YMMV!?
  7. IMHO the big drawback is that the EQ does not have Q values. Usually I am very interested in plugins that have "good" authorization (offline), but the missing Q's is a real shortage for me!
  8. Frankly, to me the new update does not sound interesting at all! And the last update mentioned above brought only trouble for me, because on my test laptop I could not see the whole plugin interface anymore (too large) and also the new flat view is not as eye-friendly IMHO! I want to have the same version on my computers. But thanks to the very good customer service I could reset the last update on my test laptop (another big disadvantage of many installation managers: you cannot downgrade yourself)! So I am glad to skip both of these updates without regret! There is really nothing I am missing!
  9. Many years ago I paid 95 EUR for the previous version! So yes, this is a really good deal. IMHO it is mandatory to have a tool like this even for mixing and Insight is one of the better ones!
  10. Frankly, nowadays I pass on "free" products that require a license! Too much trouble with it (I fought with free Overloud Rematrix stuff years ago, not worth the effort!).
  11. Regrettably it is not really free! You get a key for online authorization. I definitely prefer v1!
  12. You must have almost all plugins to get such a big discount! I am disappointed by the discount! I have almost half of their plugin range and the discounted price is only about the same as at JRRshop (with code group and without any PSP plugins required)! I'll pass!
  13. It seems its their new standard response: No response! 😒 Had the same with my recent question about authorization (22-jul)!
  14. This is exactly the point! I have a couple of plugins nowadays that I cannot use anymore, because of auth changes (i.e. they cannot be used offline anymore)! Sure, I could for each provider dismount my pc in the recording room and carry it to the house, do the authorization(s) and then reinstall the pc in my recording room! What a hassle! Also all these "inhouse" authorizations are a real pain, if you exchange a system, because first you have to find out: Is it necessary to unauthorize the old system, can it be done, how? How many authorization seats are available (very difficult to find out for most providers) Does the new authorization require iterative activation, what is the period? Is offline authorization supported (also for new versions)? How does it work? Is permanent internet access required? How are upgrades handled? What hardware changes impact the authorizations? And the worst is that if you ask for something like this, several providers give you only a cheeky answer or no answer at all! (SynchroArts, Slate, Nugen, Antares, ...)
  15. Today I got an email saying that my Synchroarts product activation has to be changed for future use (former iLok to online)! Is this legal? I bought the product because it was iLok authorization! Regrettably, of late I bought an upgrade in the prospect that my iLok license gets upgraded! Then I found out that new versions are no more iLok. Asking the support how I can change the upgrade to iLok authorization I simply got no answer! What a sh.. company! I will never more make business with them and I recommend anyone to stay away from such companies! In general I've noticed several activation changes with different brands in the last few years. The major problem is that the companies don't give transparent information what is valid! What kind of authorization, how many seats, is offline available, if there are different auths - which products does it apply to! On the internet you find a lot of old information and if the plugin producer does not have open information, where should you get it? Many vendors protect their products with such methods from pirates, they say, but they themselves pirate the consumers IMHO! Shouldn't it be vice versa?
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