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  1. Right I do actually have another question about this! Is there any way of it not smoothing out the values when it's doing this? So like gradually making things louder by a certain factor so you don't lose the emphasis of certain notes that you've already done? e.g. if you have a weak then a harder hit of a snare or something, but want that sort of effect with increasing velocity? Would that be something one of the CALs would cover? Being able to use the line on the velocity view makes life alot easier though!!!
  2. Thanks guys, seems like there loads of ways of doing this thankfully, is there any that work with a drum map? Ta! *Edit* ignore me, I've managed to get the velocity curve thing to open on it after it wasn't playing nicely!
  3. Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone could help with any clever ways to draw/edit midi events with gradual increases/decreases in velocity? Ta!!!
  4. This is perfect for now! I'll check out some filtering stuff in future as the only other thing I can imagine needing in the near future is a sustain pedal which won't work with this going on I imagine, thanks as usual guys!
  5. I'm really not bothered about my keyboard doing anything other than note, duration and velocity. But I presume there's no way of making it ignore this info when record then? That's a bit rubbish but at least I only paid 20 quid for it! I'll find a way of living with it as I'm well skint atm. Thanks for the info though good to know!
  6. That doesn't seem to be what's happening for me, sorry I should have been clearer before - it doesn't seem to be affecting the note VELOCITY, but CC 7 keeps triggering some sort of VOLUME parameter which makes the track quieter. It seems to be the output value of the soft synth I'm using? Either way I've disconnected the volume control on my MIDI keyboard but that's not changed anything, it seems to kick in just by playing notes?! Very irritating when trying to track stuff as you can imagine!
  7. Hi there, I've got a bit of a dodgy MIDI interface that keeps sending random velocity CCs, the note info is fine (aside from a few keys that need cleaning and aren't working) so is there any way of getting cakewalk to not record/ignore stuff like this? Ta!!!
  8. Using snap "by" has really made life lots easier! A couple of the other tricks have helped too (btw sloppy is exactly what we're going for, I'm tapping drums in and using midi keys etc then massaging them gently with a bit of quantisation) only thing is its also,sort of, loop based music too, hence the want to be able to very precisely replicate my imprecise playing haha. Thanks everyone!
  9. Crikey that 2nd suggestion sounds hard work if you're doing it alot! Think I'll just stick to drag copying!!! I was having the most fun with this when copying/pasting a clip, where it seen seemed to drag the 1st note to the grid regardless of the clip fitting neatly within a set of measures? I'm hoping you can also do drag copying with clips also? It's there a way of drag copying that causes it to repeat? Or if I ask for repetitions of a clip should they fall into their grid position nicely? Setting snap to "by" sounds like the revelation I needed, I was curious what it was for but hadn't tried it yet! That tip for constraint of horizontal movement is useful too because that already ends up slowing stuff down when I need to do that! Cheers guys!
  10. Has anyone got any pointers for copy & pasting stuff that starts just before/after a measure etc? Say a bar of drums, how do you get it to be in the same location in another bar? When I do it currently the first note gets snapped to the time marker, I'm hoping it's not a case of finding where the value is before/after the grid and getting the time marker to the same place every time!!! I imagine there's a way. Thanks as usual!
  11. Hi guys, I was wondering if there was an easy way of mixing down/rendering/whatever is the pretty much universally accepted terminology for this to a track without having to do a real time recording? Is there any really easy user friendly way of doing this sort of thing straight to a track as opposed to exporting & importing? If you have a MIDI track feeding an audio track with a synth loaded is there any was of just processing the audio so it doesn't have the sound of my potato frying whilst it happens?
  12. Worked it out, just needed to uncheck the box saying I wanted the VST versions, thought it would just install both?! It's all good anyway ta guys! *** aaaand I can't get it to work because there's no longer an option to register it on the website! Will try something else!
  13. Cheers guys much appreciated - I'll have a look elsewhere for the problem then if it doesn't run on the VST versions, it is indeed the FX you mentioned!
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