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  1. Actually, it just fixed itself today. Maybe it was a temporary issue? I don't know what fixed it, but its good, for now. I just hope it doesn't happen again, or even worse corrupt my project files. Thanks for your help anyway.
  2. Whenever I open the Cakewalk app, it says "Shell exception when initializing directory menu (80070002) App functionality may be affected. Contact Support". If I don't use safe mode to open a project, another pop-up says "Encountered an improper argument", as well as many more shell exception pop ups. All the controls which are normally present don't show, and neither does the MIDI and track region, though the audio still plays properly. Here is what it looks like, Also, usually at the top left corner, it will say the project name besides the "Cakewalk", but it doesn't even say the name of my project. This is fixed in safe mode, however I heard there are some downsides to constantly using safe mode, so I want to be able to open my projects in normal mode. I am afraid if I reinstall Cakewalk, all my projects will be deleted. Does anyone know what I should do to be able to open my projects back in Cakewalk without using safe mode?
  3. Does anyone know how to add notes (not musical notes, writing notes) and dynamic markings (like f, mf, mp, p, as well as crescendos and decrescendos) into the staff view? I have a lot of dynamic changes in my song, as well as tremolos and trills, that currently don't show up in the sheet music. To create the trills and tremolos, I simply put in the note itself in the main track, with a velocity of 0. Then in another track not in the sheet music is where I actually put in the notes, tremolos are 32nd notes, and trills 32nd notes alternating between the 2 notes. But now I want to write it in for the staff view on my main track. I want to write in "tr" and "trem" for trills and tremolos. I also want to add or draw a squiggly line for trills, and the diagonal slash(es) for tremolos.
  4. Does anyone know how to add vibrato to the SI string section? I looked at all the available audio FX effects, but I can't find one that says vibrato. I know the TTS-1 offers some vibrato options, but I would rather use the SI string section, as I think it sounds better.
  5. What do you mean? From what I know, the TTS-1 is a piano, not a drum or percussion kit.
  6. By right clicking on the keyboard in the piano roll, and selecting "Use these note names instead" (the default is option "Use the assigned instrument settings"), and then selecting "General MIDI Drums" from the dropdown. Though I don't think this actually opens up any new sounds in the Drum Kit.
  7. In the SI-Drum Kit, I realize that a lot of the notes don't make any sound when pressed. I made it show what percussion sound each MIDI note corresponds to, and a lot of them don't make any noise when I click on them. For example, when I click on the key labeled "Cowbell" or "Tambourine", I don't hear anything. But, the tom drums, hi-hats, and cymbals work fine, its the percussion with the higher MIDI notes (everything above middle c which is the C5 on Cakewalk, and a few below middle c) that don't make any sound when I click on them or create a note there. Can anyone please tell me how to get these other percussion sounds to work?
  8. I have a song with a bunch of eight notes at a really fast tempo, and I want to make the song twice as slow and replace the eight notes with sixteenth notes. I used the audiostretch tool to stretch the song by 50%, but when I try to shrink the MIDI region, it also slowly deletes notes at the end as I shrink it. I got rid of this by adding extra note at the end after my song, so those extra notes get deleted instead, but the notes still don't line up after I shrink it by 50%. I used the final note of my song, which is on beat 1 of measure 257, as a reference note. The note should end up starting on measure 129, one more than half of 256, after I shrink it (and my midi region does start at the first beat of measure 1). But after I audiostretched it by 50%, the note doesn't line up where it should. After experimenting with the audiostretch tool, I think it has to do with the fact that when it audiostretches, it also deletes the notes towards the end, but I don't really know exactly why. Am I doing something wrong, or can someone explain to me why this happens?
  9. Do you mean to create a new track using an instrument that can't hold or sustain long notes, then copy the notes I want to accent from my original track to that new track, and give those notes a louder volume? If so, what instrument would sound best for that purpose of accenting long notes?
  10. Does anyone know how to add an accent to a note? I want the note to start off really loud, but then get back to normal volume almost immediately after the loud start of the note. I tried using the volume automation to make it go immediately from the loudest volume to the normal volume, a fraction of a second after the note starts playing. But there is a really noticeable "thump", and you can very easily feel the "thump" in the music, like a very loud kick drum, which is not what I want. So does anyone know how to add a proper accent to long and sustained notes, like the SI string section?
  11. Thanks for letting me know, I was able to get the sixteen triplets and 32nd notes to show, though I still have a couple 64th notes that are grouped together under the same 32nd beat.
  12. Is there any notation software I can export my cakewalk projects to that is free to print from?
  13. The staff view will not show notes faster than 16th notes if I have multiple notes, such as 32nd notes or 16th triplets. It will group multiple of the notes under the same 16th note, which will make it look it it's multiple notes being played at the same time. This really bugs me because I am currently making a song, and I want it to have many quick note flares (or grace notes). Here, I have 3 sixteenth triplets where the Now Slider is located (and I did quantize them in the piano roll) But here is what it looks like in the staff view It looks like 2 sixteen beats instead of a triplet, where the first sixteen beat is playing the first 2 notes of what's supposed to be the 16th triplets. On this one, I have 2 32nd notes where the Now Slider is (I also quantized these in the piano roll) But on the staff view, it looks like this It looks like a sixteen-beat playing 2 notes at once And in the piano roll, it allows you to quantize notes as small as 128th notes, but on the staff view, it can't even write in 32nd notes. I plan on perhaps printing the sheet music in the future, but I can't do it if I have notes looking like this.
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