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Funny, I just "upgraded" my ancient Ensoniq ASR88 by replacing the floppy drive with a GOTEK HXR2001 floppy emulator (uses a usb stick instead) https://hxc2001.com/floppy_drive_emulator/ so I can use it as my primary input keyboard again (having to either keep a working floppy disk in the drive, or powering up the ancient scsi hdd and hoping it still spins up, and waiting and waiting and waiting for it to spin up and load the OS, etc....kinda deterred me from using it much the last few years). I can still use the sounds and effects it has by powering up that scsi hdd, but almost always I'm using hte softsynths inside SONAR, so.... just nice to have the 88keys all at once instead of the couple of octaves of the rockband keytar thing I often use, or the poorer-mechanics MK-49 generic midi keyboard.... The TG33, FB01, Emu6400, etc, haven't even been turned on in a long while....
Or is the issue not that it doesn't show up as a send, but that it just doesn't do the chopping? If the latter, I'd guess that whatever settings the sc input has for those not working as desired are not set (or don't allow) to a complete modulation of the gate, full on / off, or the attack is too fast or slow, or the release is too long or short (depending on what exactly isn't happening)
The other gates have to have a sidechain input. If htey don't, you can't send another input to them (just wha'ts on the track or bus they're already on). not all gates have sidechain inputs. If the ones you are using have a sidechain input, but it doesn't show up in the send list, maybe it has to be enabled in the plugin first? Google's "AI" summary thingy (which we know is never wrong :lol: ) says: How to use the sidechain Select the Advanced panel by clicking the arrow on the right side of the band HUD Use the Sidechain controls to choose an internal or external input signal Select the type of sidechain input signal from the dropdown menu Set the sidechain source in Neutron Does that help? (or is it bogus?) Of all the stuff I've got installed, I know the sonitus compressor and gate have sc inputs that show up as sends. VC-64 does, as well.
forgot to add this: a powered usb hub gives you the ac power option, or you can make or buy a y-cable USB taht sends the data and ground lines off to the computer but the power and ground to a usb wallwart capable of however much current you expect the device to need. (which you could base on the power supplied by the wallwart for the similar version that does have one).
(just some thoughts) That depends on which version of USB and what the host supports. Newer versions USB3 can provide up to 30v and at least 100W, though those are normally only for charging ports. But even for regular USB3.0 you can get up to 900mA (not quite double the 500mA of the original USB spec). Modern electronics doesn't take very much power to do a lot of stuff; depends on what's in there. (less lights would be better for lower power usage; certain red leds are the lowest requirement). As long as the device is designed correctly to work within the available power from a port, the port should be able to supply it. As long as the host device is correctly designed, and it's the only device powered by that port (no unpowered hub used to split the port to several usb-powered devices), power shouldn't be an issue. (noise, etc, not covered by this, but the *power* should be clean if it's properly designed). If your interface can handle being on a hub, then using one with it's own correctly-deisgned power source would correclty supply the device with enough power to run. That's all "theoretical" and "if properly designed" stuff--there's plenty of junk out there that isn't.... unfortunately that applies to things with wallwart power, too--I can't count the number of shitty wallwarts I swapped out on things to fix all sorts of annoying little problems . Phantom power; I could imagine that being an issue if the mics being used require a lot of current, but they shouldn't take too much. I'd venture a guess at a dozen mA for a high average; I'm sure there are some that take more, but I don't know mics very well. At 48v 10mA, that's 48 x 0.01 = 0.48watts. For a regular old 5V USB port at 500mA, it has 2.5watts available, so that leaves about 2watts to run the rest of the interface. So...depends on the whole interface design and the specific mic needs. Can't say anything experiential about powermanagement interference when running on batteries; I don't use my system that way (the battery is basically just a built-in UPS to me ). But remember that the port can't actually limit available power except by turning it off *completely*--it can't just turn down the amps available, because to do that it would have to turn the *voltage* down or PWM it; that's just how those things work. So if the system has powermanagement features that disable USB ports when on battery, turn those off and it won't be an issue. If it doesn't let you turn them off...well, what else would you be powering the interface with, if you ahve to run the laptop/host on battery power, you don't have a plug to provide separate power for the interface either, right? FWIW, I use an ancient Avid USB Duo (pro?) that's exclusively USB powered, and in all the years I've used it (and the M-audio version I used before that until a "friend" borrowed and lost it) Iv'e never had problems with it (taht couldn't be tracked down to driver issues, and few of those). It's always plugged into it's own port directly on the computer (I don't recall my results using it with a powered hub). It doesn't have any issue powering the generic mics I have (don't even remember if they have names on them :lol: ) but I don't do much mic recording; it's almost all cabled from the electric guitar or bass, or the pickup bar for the acoustic, or the "remote" from a lavalier mic (taht I sometimes use to record the various dogs' wierd noises for various fx use by clipping the mic to their collar, harness, etc). I did have problems with one backlit USB keyboard, a long time ago, which could not be set to it's max brightness or it would trigger the USB port power protection. I had to use it on a powered USB hub to turn it up all the way, and the hub and it's power adapter always ran pretty toastily warm even though it was the only device on the hub. Sorry for the interruption.
SysEx Midi dump from Edirol Sc VL 88 and MidiVerb 4
Amberwolf replied to Pathfinder's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Oh, almost forgot what I came to the thread to post: It's been so many years since I backed up any of the hardware via sysex; i think I last did this with the TG33 but don't even remember any of the process. :oops: So, here's what I have in my bookmarks for sysex utils, at least those that still go to working websites: I haven't ever tested this one https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9pfd4ddwgktn?hl=en-US&gl=US MIDI SysEx Transfer Utility 10rem.net - Pete Brown 4.6 406 ratings I'm sure I've used this one http://www.midiox.com/ Dont't recall if I used this one https://www.bome.com/products/sendsx Dumpster https://www.patchmanmusic.com/SysexUtilities.html and VSThost can send midi sysex files, but I can't remmeber if ti can record them: https://www.hermannseib.com/english/vsthost.htm -
SysEx Midi dump from Edirol Sc VL 88 and MidiVerb 4
Amberwolf replied to Pathfinder's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I have a few bits of old gear, collected over the years, almost all well-used when I got it.... I wish I could find a cheap G10, the guitar part. Mine was destroyed in a housefire a decade ago, but the rack unit just had it's knobs melted. (I can't remember if the cable was done in or not, so I probably need that too). (If I knew what the signals teh rack expected, I would have built something that could create those, and modulated it with various kinds of sensors, to use it for whatever kind of music creation i could manage...but I never have run across that information, or circuit diagrams, etc, for either the rack or the controller unit). I don't really require it as a midi guitar...I have a pickup I can stick on an acoustic, and can get etiher the electric bass or guitar or that into the the computer and use JamOrigin's MIDIGuitar / MIDIBass to do a fair job of that....but it *was* useful and interesting. (and really cheap at a pawn shop's literal fire sale (holes in the roof, charred and wet stuff, etc), where they had each piece in a separate room for some reason, each sold as a bit of useless stuff because they didn't seem to know they went together, but I'd seen the whole system years before at Synthony Music for a few thousand dollars and wished I had one since that moment, even though I couldn't play guitar.... :lol: ). -
Addictive Drums 2: How to simulate that "hollow" snare effect?
Amberwolf replied to Dave G's topic in Instruments & Effects
Well, a snare is a pretty adjustable drum in reality. It has a play membrane and a resonant menbrane each of which is adjustable tension, and then it has the adjustable-tension set of wires on the bottom. Changing any of those changes the sound, sometimes quite dramatically. Also depends on where you hit the snare, and how, for what kind of sound you get out.. Unless AD2 can "adust" those (which probably means it's using different starting samples) It's likely that you'll need to start with a sample that is of a snare already adjusted to the basic way you want it to sound. Then you can "mic" or eq it or reverb it differently to change it up, in AD2. Can you mix and match different samples from different kits it has, to build yourself a custom one that has that sound in it? (I did that with SessionDrummer3 starting from the MisFitKit as it already had a mix of different types of stuff, and have built a couple versions for different things, though sometimes I use some of the other "preset" kits, or occasionally jsut build a whole new one. ) I'd guess I have a few hundred or more different snare samples I use to replace some hits in different projects. Also, I don't know if any of these help, but I did a quick search for how to recreate the blink 182 snare sound, and the titles suggest some useful results (but I did not view any of them): https://www.google.com/search?q=blink+182+snare+sound&oq=blink+182+snare+sound&aqs=chrome..69i57.3477j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&sei=T4myZ-OULeGuur8Pz7yNgA8 -
Thanks--there's really only two "synths", the bassline sound and the arp'd one with the "melody" (such as it is) which is also used for the complex bassy parts using a similar overall pattern. The longer sustained parts are some long samples of a sitar and a flute, trimmed, stretched, squished, pitchshifted, etc., as needed to fit the stuff around them. There's a bunch of vocal snippets, which include the "doob" sounds that accent some beats; i snipped these off some of the Divine Vocal Mantras. Most of the others came out of Shymer, some I don't recall. Still wroking on the whole construction; haven't fitgured out the "change up" yet but there will be at least one. I cut the tamb by about 6db for most of the song, more in some places. is it any better? (same link in the first post; lots of edits and some adds).
Well, I *do* care, in that i want everyone to hear it and want them to like it...but I can't really just make the stuff someone else wants to hear...then it would be their music, not mine. I hear what i hear, and do what i do, and taht's the music i make. It's not really traditional songs...it's more like what i call it--"motion picture scenes"--the stuff you might hear in the background of a scene in a movie. Sometimes i have a particular thing in mind when making it, somtimes i don't and am jus tplaying wiht sounds, carving a sonic sculpture out of the noise. Same thing weith other art that i've made, but i don't relaly have time for any of that anymore...the music i don'thave a choice in; i have to do that, or explode. :lol: I have too much going on in my head all the time; too many bad memories so can't sleep well or long, so i end up having to lay in bed resting most of the time when i'm not at my dayjob, so that i can work enough to keep that job....so when i can't sleep i am doing one or another of the many things that keep my mind from exploding; music is the most "core" of those, that i could do "in my sleep" as it were...the one thing that i don't think i could live wihtout doing. there's music running in my head all the time, and sometimes i can stick some of it on the computer in one form or antoher so that other people can hear it. Most of the time I can't translate what i hear into real sounds; I either don't know how or more often the sounds I hear when I try to do it cause me to hear *different* music and I end up making that instead. I also like to just "push buttons" on synths and fx to see what they do, and sometimes end up with a piece of...music... based around that. Sometimes it's garbage even to me, sometimes it's nifty. sometimes i make something that's garbage at the time but i go back later and randomly listen to it and hear something in it i can work with--tha'ts how Just Give Me A Voice got created (in the Lies, Truth, and Assorted Inconveniences album on bandcamp) becuase i'd played in a garbage guitar track on the 6string bass to a crappy drummachine track...but i needed something to play wiht an idea so i picked that one and ended up after many hours of work with a winner. it's not perfect, there's still two spots i would like to fix but can't figture out what to do with...but it's "good". Most people seem to think there is already too much down there. To me in most of my projects it already sounds about right, but i do'nt have a subwoofer***. one guy on another forum was yelling at me about havint too much bass.... but i'll take a look around to see what sublab is. (if it's free, i can afford it, otherwise...i already spent all the money i can for a while) ***well, not a useful one; it's an ancient altec lansing computer sound system sub..i have a better one from a vizio soundbar set but it's wireless only and only pairs wiht it's original soundbar which i never had...if I could find an audio input pin on any of the circuitry inside i'd just run a hardware wired connector...but hever found any docs on the chip inside, and suspect it's a one-piece thing that can only get it's audio over the proprietary encoded wifi connection)
That one was a lot of work, building hte percussion out of rendered Dimension (or was it Rapture?) tracks that I had to cut up into tiny little clips (some of them faded in or out) to get the sound I wanted, and then finding the right synth sound to go with it (from Z3TA2 I think). It's intended to represent all the cell machinery running to "decode" DNA and implement proteins, enzymes, and all that stuff going on--if you've ever seen any of the CGI animations of that sort of thing, it looks incredibly complex and interesting.... So there's a lot going on to try to represent it. I don't know if I really seem dangerous...maybe ridiculous, silly, etc. Whether I want to be or not, I'm more this kind of wolf: Yes... I have a lot of things in my head all going on at once, like a thousand train tracks all running "in the same place" that all have different trains on them with different things at different speeds, and to entertain my brain it takes a bunch of things going on, for me to keep track of, so I usually end up with songs that have a lot going on. Most people just call it "busy" and don't seem to like it; I've tried to make simpler stuff but I always want to add more...and more...and everything I hear in the song makes me hear new things, and I want to put *them* in too, and so on.... One of my posts somewhere here describes how I "made" them, by going thru many many iterations of prompting ImageFX to try to get the art I am after (as I just don't have enough time to create them myself in this detail anymore), but it doesn't ever really come up with the thing I ama ctually after. But eventually it gets close enough to use something...though someitmes I have to composite multiple pieces to fix things it just...wierded out on. Yes, it's an ancient version from like a decade and a half ago...but it still works, even if it doesn't have all the features i want (but then again, nothing newer has most of what I want either, so I stick to what I know works for me).
Basic layout done; any feedback would be useful. No name yet; still waffling among several ideas (none of them feel quite right). https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14942877 Meant to be a bit mysterious, sparse bits of instruments among the base bass / percussion. EDIT(s): A number of significant edits made, mix changes, added parts and instruments, etc. Most recent version number at the bottom, link above is still where to listen to it: 2-13-25: 020825 000027h (first public version) 2-13-25: 020825 000039j 2-15-25: 020825 000044k 2-16-25: 020825 000048k 2-16-25: 020825 000054m
Thanks! Any particular pieces that stood out?
Changing buffer size suddenly does nothing
Amberwolf replied to steve trusty's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Did it work correctly before the ASIO4all was installed? (might not have anything to do with this problem, but it has caused so many others...) IIRC, you'd have to select the actual driver you're using in that bottom sectioni to see the settings for that driver. I think all you are seeing ATM is the ones for the ASIO4all because it's what is shown in the dropdown above them.