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Theodore Kloba

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Everything posted by Theodore Kloba

  1. I own an ADS Red Rover control, which used to work with earlier versions of Sonar. Apparently the ACT Plugin Module is no longer included with Cakewalk by Bandlab. This old article indicates that the ACT is downloadable somewhere on the Cakewalk website, but the links in the article are now dead: http://gaga.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2005241/RedRover-Control-Surface-Plug-in Here's a product page for the Red Rover: https://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/ads-tech-redrover-audio-software-remote-control (The manufacturer is defunct, so I can't check there.) Any idea how to get this working with CbB?
  2. I have to do Export rather than Save As. The BeatBuddy works with a combination of short Intro/Loop/Transition/Fill segments that you control with the foot pedal. Save As writes the whole song as one file. As for MIDI 0 vs. 1, that's well documented. Type 0 merges everything to one instrument track.
  3. I was able to get it working by converting all the clips to groove clips (with Ctrl+L) and exporting as groove clips.
  4. Thanks, David. I also thought it would be weird for Cakewalk to do anything non-standard; I've been using it for MIDI in one form or another since DOS in about 1993. Yes, I have the time signature set in the transport module. I'm exporting from File > Export > Standard MIDI File. Maybe I will try converting to MIDI Groove Clips.
  5. I am trying to use Cakewalk (2024.02, Build 098, 64-bit Windows) to edit drum patterns to import into my BeatBuddy. Typically, I'll take a short section (a few measures) as a clip and export to Standard MIDI file. There are issues with the interpretation of the file if the time signature is not 4/4. It seems from comments on the BeatBuddy support forum that Cakewalk may not be including a MIDI status message (FF 58 04?) in the exported file to set time signature. Is there an option to include the status message in exported MIDI?
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