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Everything posted by Grem

  1. Mix recall seems to be what your looking for, based on what you've told us. You just have to save a new "Scene" for any changes you want to recall.
  2. Best way to search the old forums is with a google search. Steve, (scook) knows the method. It's using Google's advanced search. I can't remember the exact command.
  3. I always assumed, as many other too, that it was somebody that worked with the devs. LOL!! A Program!!
  4. Many have asked that question. None have found the answer.
  5. I realized after I posted it that this really wasn't the right place to test it out!! Sorry Jesse. : )
  6. I was still calling Sonar "Cakewalk!!" I had used that name for so long that it was the only thing my wife knew I was working on, Cakewalk!!
  7. The reason I ask is that there were some very knowledgeable users that came to the forums to help out, not only with CbB but also with other problems that affect all of us as users of a PC, the internet, and so on and so on. Some of the best advice I have ever received was from those knowledgeable users of the hardware/software forums on the old CW site. And don't get me wrong, I am not wanting/trying to recreate the old place, I just do not want to loose this valuable resource that I have come to rely on. Thank you for all you and your team does Meng. I appreciate you even considering it.
  8. Thanks Meng. Would a hardware and software section be too much to ask?
  9. Yep, new car smell, nice wash and waxed look!! Very clean!
  10. So far as I can tell, everything I am finding on the desktop version is in the mobile version. And it scales excellently!! Great work gentlemen! This is gonna be nice!
  11. Yes it does! I have already placed a tile on my screen. So I am goood to go! In fact the mobile version I am looking at looks just like the desktop version.
  12. Glad to see you here John. Looking forward to seeing some new users around here!!
  13. Yep. Soundwise got me in the right place. Thanks Jesse for getting back to me. Great looking place. Liking the features of the site so far.
  14. I was thinking the same thing. : )
  15. And it appears that one you sign in with your BandLab account, that's it. Your not able to sign in with your old Cakewalk forum username.
  16. I would like to use my old forum name of Grem. But when I go to Account Settings, I see "Display Name" but I see no way of changing it. Help!!
  17. I started With Cakewalk in the old Cakewalk News Group. Place looks real good. Much better than the old forum. I have already uploaded, (and adjusted!) my profile pic and my cover pic. Good job Jesse and Laurent. Place looks good and clean! Looks like BandLab is about to take off!! Hanging on for the ride!!
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