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  1. Not only responded to feedbacks/requests, but surely Saverio is also generous. I mentioned 2 plugins I'd like to have, and he gave me the more expensive one! So, i bought the other one with very good deal. I respect Saverio for his passionate work.
  2. Got mine, thank you Saverio for your generous creativity and endurance.
  3. How does it perform compared to FAST Reveal? It does spectral with Sonible thing. Got my Reveal at an Alan Parson's session.
  4. hi, saverio. tried to install the demo thru DoIn, but it says "unable to install plugin".
  5. Agree.. From my experience in another forum, he responded very well to my request for a preset for a (not too popular) budget headphone in HornetVHS. It helps me a lot.
  6. https://www.falkemedia-shop.de/sound/beat-english/beat-english-07/2024 T-Racks White Channel is free with Beat 07/2024
  7. what do you think about it's sounds compared to strymon's big sky? i think that their first frame of their introduction video is from the same footage.
  8. i see, thank you..i got my FAST bundle about 2 months ago from last Alan Parsons webinar. it's very helpful in my content production as sometime i create background music. sometime i combine it with FAST balancer, which i also got it for free with my hardware. imo, it seems like that combination approaches how Pure bundle options work.
  9. hi..what do you think about Sonible's own Pure bundle compared to Focusrite (with Sonible) FAST bundle?
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