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Pat Osterday

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Everything posted by Pat Osterday

  1. Thanks for the reminder about the Replica free edition - forgot about it. I should probably subscribe again, but free is nice!
  2. That's dedication! Guess this is the guy: https://cmdess.com/about And second MAutoAlign! Great tool - my first and still most used Melda plugin.
  3. Thanks for the reply! I have Tape (v1) and used it before I got Ozone, then used that, now use IK Tapes. Have Analog Stage (v1) and never used it - have Kush TWK and 458a plus several others for saturation. Never saw the need for Multicomp with all the comps I have. Have Total EQ - bought it for a few bucks to support Hornet - but use Logic's, TDR, smart:eq, etc. Heard good things about the HA2A, but have the UAD LA2A freebie, bx_opto and others. NFA Saturate for Planer, Smooth Operator/TDR Nova GE for Sleek. HarmoniQ looks interesting but not sure I "need" it. Use to use SW34EQ and Sybilla Pro years ago but use others now. I want to like them but never seem to fit my workflow or needs. Also been trimming down my list of installed plugins so there's that. But really glad that others are getting lots of use from them since Saverio seems so dedicated and generous.
  4. Oh, I misread it - missed the "at no cost part". Guess I need more coffee - morning here for me. 🤦‍♂️ I'd be interested to know which Hornet plugins people get the most use out of. I know there was a joke about more collecting the Hornet plugins than using them. I do struggle liking the Hornet UI aesthetic on most of the plugins.
  5. Same. I don't think you can beat 85% in the current sale - unless you just wait until the 90% sale. I'd guess it's just to see who might actually do it. I have a lot of Hornet plugins, but don't have any currently installed since I have alternatives I prefer more. (ThirtyOne MK2 and Harmonics Pro tempt me to install them as they are somewhat unique.)
  6. I have the T-RackS EQ P1A and Logic's Vintage Tube EQ along with the UAD one - all pretty good. I snagged the freebie to get iLok Machine auth. I really like using the UAD HLF-3C that the other two don't have. I do wish UAD made a wrapper to load all three together.
  7. When I had the Spark sub (paused for now) Capital Chambers was stunning. Sunset is really great and more versatile, but it doesn't quite have the depth Capital has nor can it do the longer lengths that Capital can.
  8. So if you get the LUNA Pro Bundle, you get the individual plugins too? So I could use Studer, API, etc, in Logic? Odd though, the price says $199 but adding to my cart shows $299. Thought if it was $199, it would be $149 with the coupon. $249 would be a no go. Essentials + API Vision, API 2500, Studer and ATR-102 for $149 seemed pretty good.
  9. I just bought smart:gate. Any comparison?
  10. Doesn't seem to add anything even at $10 over stuff I have... Logic stock, Guitar Rig 6, MixBox, Arturia FX3, etc. Am I missing something?
  11. As I mentioned... the best upgrade deal is the Black Friday sale. Pretty sure they'll continue the tradition - $99 to upgrade any V Collection to the latest and I think it's $69 to update to the latest FX Collection. If you don't think it's a good deal yet, wait a year.
  12. I (almost) always wait for the Black Friday upgrade sales and then decide if I'll wait another year to get a better deal. Might snag a few preset packs I've been looking at though.
  13. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/uvi-relayer Tempting!
  14. Had the CM versions of a couple of them but never stuck around as keepers or give me the urge to plunk down cash for them.
  15. Off topic, I know, but as a Mac user, I was very pleased to see Air reviving those old synths and doing Apple silicon versions. I always thought Vacuum Pro had a great sound to it. I dig AAS and need to use UA more. The free player with Swatches is pretty impressive and very awesome they do the Christmas preset freebie pick! I use Logic more than Live, but nice to have the AAS instruments there too.
  16. One of those very short lived JRRshop deals. Haven't been too happy on how they're rolling out these 26th anniversary deals. Probably better off though not getting more plugins! ?
  17. Klanghelm freebies - https://klanghelm.com/contents/freeware (saturator, reverb and two character comps) Kilohearts Essentials - https://kilohearts.com/products/kilohearts_essentials (Transient Shaper, Dynamics, great utility bundle) Saw Arturia, NI, Valhalla, Fuse and TDR already mentioned and second those!
  18. I'll probably still pass but, yeah, the MIDI is the most interesting part!
  19. Ah, thanks - guess they got things back in order! It was $29 at AD a while ago. I passed then and still might. Have so much! But this is one that to me has a more unique sound and might be nice to have and mess with in Falcon.
  20. Odd. They don't seem to be showing any sale prices now. Was pondering Sunbox for $31, but now it's showing the full $79 price.
  21. To bypass the site registration slowness, just snag it directly though Analog Lab.
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