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Pat Osterday

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Everything posted by Pat Osterday

  1. The freebies (except PolyMAX) are machine auth or iLok 2/3 and I'm using machine auth. I'd probably buy a few, but still a little skittish on the cloud auth. I'm using a laptop for my production and mixing so don't like the physical iLok.
  2. Ah, bummer. I've never has any issues. You probably already checked that your iLok account is the same that UAD has listed.
  3. Yup. The 1176 isn't in the Essentials, but yeah, basically they have given all the Essentials for free. The only one I don't have is that Essentials has the full LA2A collection and they've only given the basic LA2A for free. This 1176 is missing the side chain feature just like the LA2A freebie was. I'm not complaining though for free. I have other options for 1176 or LA2A comps with that if I need it.
  4. Free until the 28th... https://www.uaudio.com/ua-1176-classic-fet-compressor.html
  5. Picked up Mystique. Maybe I'll actually use it? Haven't even got around to checking out Motions from last year! 🤦‍♂️
  6. Totally understand! I was so close to getting it but passed... then they wound up giving most as freebies or free with purchase someplace. The LA2A Tube is good enough for me - wouldn't mind the full collection, but have plenty of other LA2A/Opto comps.
  7. Yes, but I didn't own the Essentials bundle. I had Spark for a while, but delete all after I cancelled. I've just collected the freebies. I do own the Pultec, but was able to claim it as a freebie at some point to get the machine authorization and show two licenses for that.
  8. Thanks - I haven't received an email, so nice to have the link. Up to 299 now. Like Fleer said... wish IK would let me use them! Thinking about ARC studio at some point though.
  9. Correct. Only the freebies are machine auth - except Polymax for some reason. Oxide, Century Tube, Galaxy Tape, LA-2A Tube, Pultec collection, Pure Plate, Verve Essentials - all machine auth. PolyMAX still cloud - probably because it was the first freebie. I'm sort of with you on the no cloud auth. Only thing I use currently that's cloud is Slate's Fresh Air. I'd do a physical iLok except that'd be a pain with my laptop. I'd probably snag the UAD Studio Classics Bundle if I could do machine auth - still pondering it though as I liked those when I had the Spark sub.
  10. Odd that it didn't work for you. I didn't have any problems, but my cloud auth is on my paused Spark sub and I had uninstalled all the UAD plugins and added back the freebies with machine auth. Good luck with PB!
  11. No email. Shows up in UA Connect to redeem. Might need to uninstall Pure Plate first?
  12. Hmm... that sucks. So it doesn't show two licenses in iLok manager after claiming it?
  13. You should be able to do that. I did that with the Pultec. Had the cloud auth license, but then got the Pultec freebie and that license was machine auth.
  14. Yeah, I know they've done $29 in the past. Inflation? I held off on 4 and 5, but this is probably enough to jump on 6. Black Friday 2025 is so far off... 🤣
  15. It'll be a while before FX6 since 5 just came out and the J37 is the only new one since then.
  16. Fuse has done the $15 deal for the past few Black Friday sales.
  17. Pat Osterday

    Neutron 5

    Copied from the MPS thread... If you upgraded, you got a great deal. That's the nature of the beast. We're suckers for this stuff! Bummer that only Neutron 5 was added though. Thought Trash might be thrown in. Probably will do a 7.5 when the delay is released and squeeze some more cash out of us. 🤪 I'll see if they do a deal like that last one and maybe I'll bite on the MPS upgrade then - or not. Same thing happened with IK recently. And Arturia. And NI... just have to gauge the sales cycles and get in when you can or if you want.
  18. Not crooked. If you upgraded, you got a great deal. That's the nature of the beast. We're suckers for this stuff! Bummer that only Neutron 5 was added though. Thought Trash might be thrown in. Probably will do a 7.5 when the delay is released and squeeze some more cash out of us. 🤪 I'll see if they do a deal like that last one and maybe I'll bite - or not.
  19. I'm wondering if I should hold out for MPS 7 when it's around the same price. Figure they'll add the "Catalyst" series - Aurora, Plasma and the coming delay plugin - along with Neutron 5 which is in the works too. MPS4 is still working for me on Sonoma and not upgrading to Sequoia anytime soon.
  20. As much as a really like the multi-arp stuff in this one, I'll just wait until next year's Black Friday sale on VC11. Already planning to upgrade to VC10 this BF. 🤣
  21. Must have been. For $5 I might pick it up. But $70 - not a chance.
  22. I don't see it for $5 at PB. Was this a time limited thing? Also, anyone using it, let me know how it works out. Years ago I bought into the original's pre-release that Rigid cancelled. At least I got a bunch of the instruments as a refund, although I still haven't used them. 🤦‍♂️
  23. Total Studio 4 includes the products released at the time it came out. Many companies do the same. If you'd feel cheated, don't buy it. Wait for Total Studio 5 whenever that comes out - but then you'd have to wait for it to be heavily discounted. But if you bought TS4 MAX for $200 and felt cheated, I'm not sure what you'd be expecting. I spent $200 or so back during the group buy anniversary sale a few years ago and scored a lot of plugins, but then a month later they did the TS4 MAX deal for $200 - I did feel cheated. 🤣 That's the way the deals roll... always something better around the corner if you want to wait. TS4 MAX for $200 then the T-RackS 6 upgrade for $100 is a great deal if you need all of it. A lot of people felt cheated too when they bought T-RackS 5 MAX for $50 last month and didn't get a free upgrade to 6. But that's how it goes.
  24. Sort of answered it in there already - it comes with T-Racks 5 Max. 6 would be separate and in TS 5 Max whenever that comes out.
  25. Yes. Any paid version of T-RackS 6 will get you the T-RackS 6 version of the plugins you have.
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