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eagerbrook eagerbrook

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Everything posted by eagerbrook eagerbrook

  1. hi thanks wookie i am now using presonus studio one (free version ) It has routing that works in wasapi shared Cheers Don
  2. Hi Thanks for the reply. Sadly have forgotten bandlab. Moved to another daw that works fine with wasapi shared THanks again don
  3. HI, That makes no sense to me I am using bandlab to add audio fx to multiple browser audio in windows. Wasapi exclusive does not work with multiple sources at once. It would appear when I select wasapi shared, bandlab analyses devices, and the waveprofiler can only see two outputs for the usb sound card. Every other daw shows the eight available outputs for the card ( in wasapi shared ), why not Bandlab?? I do not want to use asio. Cheers Don
  4. THanks for the reply MsMcleod Here are screenshots of my audio preferences. There doesn'tseem to be any options for enabling the multiple outputs of the sound card?? ManyThanks Don
  5. Hi, New to the forums. I am using bandlab with a ( cheap) usb sound card. The card is recognised by Windows 10 and I have configured it for 7;1 surround in the sound settings. It tests fine. So...... when I go the the audio preferences in bandlab I see 1) both of my Virtual (VAC ) cables for inputs ( one of the reasons I am using bandlab is that it can accomodate more than one input ) 2) the usb sound card for output. HOWEVER, if I arm a track, although I can select either virtual cable for input, for output all get is either L, R, or stereo output for the card?? What happened to eight individual outputs? - or even four stereo outputs?? I need to be able to assign the track input to different outputs of the sound card? Can anyone help- or am I going mad ? Don
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