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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Group Buy It is the way Baby Yoda told me so ?
  2. Oh that is not the # I'm searching for.
  3. Welcome! You will always have a place among the GAS. Look I see a nice spot on the Orange couch from the seventy's era
  4. Wow we are now on page 31 folks. Great job and keep up the posting!
  5. Does that get me into the secret stash?
  6. Talking about headaches if you get some IK's Amps don't play them too loud as tempting as it might be
  7. This is reminding me of a hybrid finance/account course where the teacher was coming up with all sorts of weird combinations of what ifs ? 30 years later I thought I wouldn't have to go through this again. IK should bump the count at 500 just for the headaches we are all getting.
  8. I thought it is the motion of the posts ? and no I will not get my coat. I'm having to much fun in this thread
  9. You could make the clown bigger ?
  10. What is the verdict on Mixbus? It looks like something that could help as I always seem to struggle at this stage of the game in DAW-Land. Wait I'm sorry I just asked a serious question. Is this allowed?
  11. or the same price item as a freebie. There are a few exceptions though.
  12. I'm just mad that the KVR thread has more pages! So heck I thought I would do my part.
  13. He still has to put one more of his off-spring through one more year of college. Next year he won't be so nice to us
  14. I have a hard enough time just driving and you want to add that to the mix ? I just gave IK an idea for a new mix plug in.
  15. Well I am having a root beer with my late lunch ?
  16. Okay I can only type so much on my phone as evidence by above ?
  17. I think youbgo forgo the deep dish pizza and beer for the weekend. Wait what didnI just say ?
  18. Can IK also add a free item. I think we all can agree we need 28 hours in a day. The extra 4 hours to have time and fun with IK's great products ?
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