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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. So IK should just extend the Group Buy to Halloween (worth a shot)
  2. I can't do it from work ? Mainly because I don't remember my IK password ?
  3. I tried this morning and IK site was so slow I gave up. Hopefully after work this evening I'll double dip even if it is already over 10000
  4. Just as long as we don't end up like Maxwell Smart. Missed it by that much ? ?
  5. And here I'm debating about another buy at the $59 level ?
  6. I'm figure I got a good deal even if it doesn't make it for the extension.
  7. I feel like I was put in Coach instead of First Class. Fleer stop touching me! ?
  8. Funny! I totally forgot about those.
  9. Is it wrong? Just be careful you don't get trigger finger.
  10. To me the Coffee House is the Penthouse Suite.
  11. Aha Young Jedi you must open your mind and expand your horizons. There is much comic material to be had by visiting the other parts of this forum
  12. Yep and he gets snarky that I want a free MIDI keyboard ??
  13. Hmm I was was really interested in this one BUTT I don't se it in the group buy I got my coat again
  14. Is the T-Rack Leslie a good pick?
  15. Shirley I write the songs but never a Linda song ?
  16. and while he is at it toss in that free keyboard for me
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