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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. You're welcome. Whoops you probably didn't mean me? I thought this is where we went when we wanted to take a break from playing!?
  2. Shouldn't it be alive and Playing..................................................................................
  3. I'm actually looking forward to how they integrate Cakewalk and Bandlab. Meng seems to have a vision for music sharing and education of music. I'm actually excited to see where this all goes☺️
  4. I think it is Bandlabs way to use us as testers
  5. I didn't realize it was there myself so thanks all
  6. So AutoTune will be included in future Bandlab update right..................................................LOL
  7. Sorry I had to post something to get myself into double digits LOL I'm not special like Bapu to have my post count transfer over. Not that I had a post count like Bapu
  8. Yep the site is really clean looking. I feel we got an early Christmas present? and it isn't a white elephant
  9. yes think about cclarry2? He will be in withdraw and need our help. If not for us do it for cclarry2!
  10. There isn't one is there???????????????????????
  11. Hey Larry at least there isn't a paddle to spank us LOL
  12. Wish you all the success with the new Forum. Now I have to post some silly stuff to get a decent post count ?
  13. Yay!!!!! My Rowlf is at home on the new forum?
  14. Now I have to get my Avatar back?
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