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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I would walk up the stairs and wait for the aliens to come an beam me up?
  2. I don't see any Cardinal Sin. Oh Cardinal Sin is your moniker ?
  3. It was the Stairway to my 1,000 post on the new forum!?
  4. Well the dad could of got him Ear Muffs ?
  5. Well that depends on when the other head popped out ?
  6. InstrEd


    Must be coming out of a cess·pool ?
  7. Bapu comes and goes now. He found nirvana in a distant DAW-LAND
  8. I refuse to answer as it might incriminate me? My wife says I'm special
  9. I'm bored at work and the new forum is easy to post using mobile so yep I have been hanging out in the coffee house ?
  10. The Cakewalk PDF document is more important to read, not the 400 page report. You're get way more out of it
  11. I charge by the piece of paper. When do I start. I see lots of $$$$$$$ cleaning up this mess?
  12. If true capitalism is in play this could be said but in modern Econ it really shouldn't apply.
  13. Sad that they have to be special ordered now.
  14. Okay having one of those would definitely do it!
  15. Just wait to Canadians want a Wall from us. How many miles would that be. Hmmm if they want us to build it and pay for it. Just think of all the jobs we will have?
  16. Now Now craigb, I bet you were a handfull? for your teachers? And to answer that question. Sometimes yes you have to have balls to..................................................................................................................................................................................
  17. How did we go from Snaps To Craps??? Nevermind, I really don't want to know?
  18. why yes it is. Waiter can I have an expresso please.
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