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Ezekiel Tsman

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About Ezekiel Tsman

  • Birthday June 2

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  1. Ok, I guess as much that We may need to give them some times to change their minds on that design, I remembered Cubase also did same recently as Cakewalk did now but in instantly they changed back to their previous design in their latest update and it looks better, I hope their working on getting back on the previous UI look for better.
  2. I understand that but there is no option for deferent design like the previous version but only set of all color pallets but I don't enjoy that enough anyway. thanks
  3. Hi Cakewalk Team, First I really commend your work for making Cakewalk to be alive back forever, I love those new features, and mostly it is more stable and less processor consumption, new plugins added to it gradually, this is a huge and a greater work done by achieving this, thank you all the Team, Here's my observations, besides the new UI which I would love the previous Theme to be included as optional for users instead of bunch colored UIs, you have changed a lot including plugins graphic which made it look realistic to Us like We're truly working on an analog Console, that made Me feel so whenever Am mixing but that has bee removed, I thing they could have been the way they were, Lastly which is most important to report is the audio clip from other none opened project that somehow found its way into the current project, this has happed to at least two or three of my project and i never experienced this in CBB, bellow I attached the video clip of one of the project affected. I thought it's better to share that here instead reviewing that in my Tutorial video. Please listen closely to the vocal in the project and watch and study the video vey well, this is an ongoing instrumental that doesn't have vocal at all. Thank You for Your Great Work. 2024-07-18 13-47-00.mov
  4. Hi Cakewalk Sonar Developers, I appreciate Bandlab for the new features added in the New Sonar, but something that I'd love them to do on new Sonar is that they should let be the old and true Cakewalk Theme and add their new Theme because the 3D theme look more reality, and it makes Cakewalk By Bandlab to stand out and more attractive, I was about making video on "Cakewalk The Best DAW Interface" the new interface looks childish unprofessional, it looks familiar with Ableton and yet Ableton still has good look, please take a look at other DAWs like Reason, Studio One, Steinberg Cubase, especially Luna by Appolo UAD, I have been so proud Cakewalk since I've been using it since over 20 years back but this new Sonar by bandlab doesn't want to continue with the original Cakewalk Lagacy. Please let there be the original Cakewalk Themes so that we can chose anyone We want better than the color options, this might make Cakewalk by Bandlab Users not willing to go for the new Sonar as everything matters. Please add all original Cakewalk Vst plugins back as We have missed them, these are one of Our joys that Cakewalk is coming back, that it is RESURECTIING. Finally, I have tried to activate Sonar so may times but doesn't work, is it purposely done by Sonar or I still didn't get it right somehow, and same procedure used on CbB and it activated. please take note of this. I will be glad to see Your good response toward all of these points. thanks.
  5. Ezekiel Tsman

    64bit Engine

    Hi Cakewalk Gurus, please what's the effect of 64 bit engine in Sonar, what quality does it add to audio?
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